Topic: Product Anomaly: GOES-16 ABI CMI Band 2 Full Disk products and and their delivery to AWIPS, GRB, PDA

Date/Time Issued: March 19, 2018 0601Z

Product(s) or Data Impacted: GOES-16 ABI CMI Band 2 Full Disk products and their delivery to AWIPS, GRB, PDA

Date/Time of Initial Impact: March 19, 2018 0245Z

Date/Time of Expected End: March 19, 2018 0300Z

Length of Event: 15 minutes

Details/Specifics of Change: The GOES-16 ABI CMI Band 2 0245Z Full Disk image was degraded due to an anomaly. This product was delivered to AWIPS, over GRB, and to PDA.

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