Topic: Planned data delay for Metop-A and Metop-B

Date/Time(UTC) Message Issued: March 26, 2018, 1425Z

Satellite(s) Involved: Metop-A, Metop-B

Instrument(s) Involved: All Instruments

Product(s) Involved/Affected: All products

Date/Time(UTC) of Initial Implementation: March 26, 2018, 1500Z

Date/Time(UTC) of Expected End: March 26, 2018, 2030Z

Details/Specifics of Change: There will be an ongoing intrusive test to the D3 Line affecting Metop data from Svalbard and McMurdo to ESPC.

Expect a data delay for Metop-A (M02) and Metop-B (M01) of approximately 5 1/2 hours.

Contact Person(s) Name/Email/Phone Number for Questions: ESPC Operations at and 301-817-3880 ESPC Helpdesk

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