Topic: Operational Implementation of NOAA Unique Combined Atmospheric Processing System (NUCAPS): Phase 4 Part 2

Date/Time Issued: May 1, 2018 2035Z

Product(s) or Data Impacted: NUCAPS Phase 4 Part 2 will be generating the improved version of Environmental Data Records (EDR) using the high resolution (HR) of CrIS Sensor Data Records (SDR) from the SNPP satellite. This implementation will overcome the shortfall of trace gases retrievals and an improved performance of thermodynamic variables such as Temperature, Water Vapor and Ozone profiles. NUCAPS trace gases include the Carbon Monoxide (CO), Carbon Dioxide (CO2), and Methane (CH4) data products are comparable with the equivalent heritage products from IASI. User needs to make changes to their existing PDA subscriptions to switch to high resolution products, or they might need to add additional subscriptions to get both nominal and high resolution products.

Date/Time of Initial Impact: May 3, 2018 1500Z

Date/Time of Expected End: TBD

Length of Event: TBD

Impacts on Users and Significance: S-NPP NUCAPS improved version of NUCAPS Environmental Data Records using the high resolution (HR) of CrIS SDR

Details/Specifics of Change: On May 3, 2018 1500 Z, NUCAPS Phase 4 Part 2 will be implemented in the NESDIS ESPC operation to generate high resolution CrIS SDR and derived EDR from the S-NPP. In addition to the science improvement and higher spectral resolution, it also includes the better estimates of trace gases. Users are recommended to switch from the current nominal resolution to the high resolution data products. The high resolution EDRs will replace the existing low resolution EDR. The process of terminating the nominal resolution of SDR will start in the near future.

Contact Information: For Information on the status of this work, please contact ESPC Operations at and 301-817-3880

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