Topic: NESDIS Operational Blended-Hydro Products are updated to use MIRS High-Res (v11) TPW and RR Retrievals
Date/Time (UTC) Message Issued: May 29, 2018 1645Z
Product(s) or Data Impacted: NESDIS Operational Blended-Hydro Products, including blended Total Precipitable Water(bTPW), Percentage of TPW Normal(PCT), blended Rain Rate (bRR).
Date/Time of Initial Impact: May 30, 20181500Z
Impacts on Users and Significance: Improved product quality for the blended TPW and RR products. Changes are expected to be transparent to users.
Details/Specifics of Change: On May 30, 2018, 1500Z, the blended-hydro products will be updated to use MiRS High-Res (v11) TPW and RR retrievals from NOAA-18/-19, Metop-A/-B, DMSP F17/F18. This update replaces the TPW and RR retrievals from Microwave Surface and Precipitation System (MSPPS) and Fleet Numerical Meteorology and Oceanography Center (FNMOC), and applies to all type of the blended-hydro products disseminated through the ESPC Data Distribution Server (DDS), Products and Distribution and Access (PDA), McIDAS ADDE server, NAWIPS and also AWIPS.
Contact Information for Further Information: ESPCOperations@noaa.govat (301) 817-3880
Web Site(s) for applicable information: