Correction: Subject: Jason-2 Satellite is in Safe Hold Mode:

Update #1:
The Jason-2 Safe Hold occurred at 09h00m56s Z on 18-July-2018, triggered by the Health Status of Gyro 1.
The anomaly is similar to the previous Gyro anomalies. Safe Hold Mode recovery operations will be performed with Gyro 2 and 3.
Resumption of routine and mission operations is anticipated on 24-July-2018.

Jason-2 Satellite is in Safe Hold

Date/Time Issued: July 18 2018 1633Z

Product(s) or Data Impacted: Jason-2 OGDRs distributed via PDA and Class users.

Date/Time of Initial Impact: July 18 2018

Date/Time of Expected End: TBD

Length of Event:

Details/Specifics of Change: Jason-2 has entered Safe Hold Mode. Additional details will follow, as it is unknown of the initial impact time and why Safe Hold Mode was entered.

Contact Information for Further Information: ESPC Operations at and 301-817-3880.

Web Site(s) for applicable information: N/A

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