Update #1: The database maintenance work was completed at approximately 1800 UTC. Product flow resumed as normal after this time. The total outage time was about 6 hours.

Topic: GOES-16 (GOES-East) all instrument PDA outage due to database maintenance scheduled for July 31, 2018

Date/Time Issued: July 30, 2018 0036 UTC

Product(s) or Data Impacted: All GOES-16 instrument products distributed to PDA

Date/Time of Initial Impact: July 31, 2018 1200 UTC

Date/Time of Expected End: July 31, 2018 2000 UTC

Length of Outage: No less than 5 hours and up to 8 hours

Details/Specifics of Change:

A GOES-R ground segment Oracle database maintenance activity (5 to 8 hours in length) will be performed at NSOF on Tuesday, July 31, 2018, beginning at 1200 UTC and lasting up to 2000 UTC. This will result in an outage of all GOES-16 instrument products distributed to PDA. CLASS will not archive data during this period. This activity should not affect product quality or delivery after the activity is complete.

Sectorized Cloud and Moisture Imagery (a key performance parameter) will not be impacted. Users receiving data directly from GRB or LZSS will also not be impacted.

This maintenance will be rescheduled if a CWD is declared prior to start time.

Contact Information for Further Information: ESPC Operations at ESPCOperations@noaa.gov or 301-817-3880

Web Site(s) for applicable information:

See https://www.ospo.noaa.gov/Operations/messages.html for this and other satellite related messages.

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