^M ^M ^M ^M ^M

Correction: The first record, ice cover, will be a binary ice mask: 0 for open water, 1 for sea ice.




Topic: IMS blended ice 4KM GRIB2 product to resume in abridged form










Date/Time Issued: August 23, 2018 1352Z^M



^M ^M



Product(s) or Data Impacted: IMS 4km blended ice GRIB2 product



^M ^M



Date/Time of Initial Impact: August 15, 2018 1800Z^M



^M ^M

Date/Time of Expected End: August 23, 2018 1800Z






Length of Outage: 8 days


^M ^M

Details/Specifics of Change: The IMS 4km GRIB2 output product will resume production. The product will contain limited content until further notice. The first record, snow cover, will be a binary ice mask: 0 for open water, 1 for sea ice. The last record will contain days-since-last-observed as before. All other records will be set to entirely NaN until further notice. This product has the PDA shortname, NESDIS_IMS-V3_ice_4km, and filename pattern, NIC.IMS_ice_v3_YYYYJJJHH_4km.GRIB2.gz. It is expected that the full content of the product will resume at some point in the fall. Please contact "John.Woods@noaa.gov" for additional information.

Web Site(s)^M for applicable information:M-B N/A





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