Update #1: The GOES-17 ABI data is now configured to be distributed through GRB as of 1530 UTC on August 28, 2018.

Topic: GOES-17 ABI L1b Data Flow through GOES Rebroadcast (GRB)

Date/Time Issued: M-BAugust 27, 2018 2030 UTC

Product(s) or Data Impacted: GOES-17 ABI L1b data distributed through GRB

Date/Time of Initial Impact: M-BAugust 28, 2018 at approximately 1530 UTC

Date/Time of Expected End: M-BN/A

Length of Event: M-BN/A

Details/Specifics of Change: The GOES-R Peer/Stakeholder Product Validation Review (PS-PVR) for ABI L1b and CMI Beta Maturity was held on August 27, 2018. As a result of this review the PS-PVR panel chair declared Beta validation maturity for the ABI L1b and CMI data, which qualifies the L1b data for addition to the GRB stream beginning at 1530 UTC on August 28, 2018.

Additional, more technical information can be found below and at the following website: https://www.goes-r.gov/users/transitionToOperations17.html

NOAA's GOES-17 satellite has not been declared operational and its data are preliminary and undergoing testing. Users receiving these data through any dissemination means M-B(including, but not limited to, PDA and GRB) assume all risk related to their use of GOES-17 data and NOAA disclaims any and all warranties, whether express or implied, including (without limitation) any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. M-B

The ABI L1b and CMI data products are calibrated and geo-located radiances of the 16 ABI bands over the Full Disk (FD) of the Earth, the Continental United States (CONUS) region, the Mesoscale (MESO) regions, and certain instrument calibration and engineer data. Beta maturity, by definition, means that:

  • Initial calibration applied (L1b);

  • Rapid changes in product input tables / algorithms can be expected;

  • Product quick looks and initial comparisons with ground truth data not adequate to determine product quality;

  • Anomalies may be found in the product and the resolution strategy may not exist;

  • Product is made available to users to gain familiarity with data formats and parameters (via GRB);

  • Product has been minimally validated and may still contain significant errors; and

  • Product is not optimized for operational use.

Beta users bear all responsibility for inspecting the data prior to use and for the manner in which the data are utilized. Persons desiring to use the GOES-17 ABI Beta maturity L1b products for any reason, including but not limited to scientific and technical investigations, are encouraged to consult the NOAA ABI calibration scientists for feasibility of the planned applications.

Known issues being investigated include the following:

  1. An anomaly with the ABI Loop Heat Pipe (LHP) prevents the instrument cooling system from maintaining sufficiently cool temperatures during certain parts of the day and year. Data quality will fluctuate seasonally depending on the amount of solar radiation absorbed by the instrument. During the instrumentM-bM-^@M-^Ys M-bM-^@M-^\coolM-bM-^@M-^] seasons (near the summer and winter solstice), all channels are expected to be nominal 24 hours per day. During the instrumentM-bM-^@M-^Ys M-bM-^@M-^\warmM-bM-^@M-^] seasons (before and after the vernal and autumnal equinox), experts estimate 7 channels (Bands 1-7) will be of nominal quality 24 hours per day and the other 9 channels (Bands 8-16) will be degraded and images will be of reduced quality or unusable 2-6 hours per night. These estimates are preliminary and are still being refined. The warmest part of the season is coming up in early September and performance estimates will need to be confirmed through observation during that time.
    For more technical information regarding the LHP issue, please visit: https://www.goes-r.gov/users/transitionToOperations17.html

  2. Significant stray light exists for VNIR channels approximately one hour before and after satellite local midnight for approximately forty days during the eclipse season before the vernal (spring) equinox and after the autumnal (fall) equinox, and may exist in other days of the year.

  3. Stray light exists for Band 7 approximately one hour before and after satellite local midnight for approximately forty days during the eclipse season before the vernal (spring) equinox and after the autumnal (fall) equinox. The intensity of the stray light is less than the requirements, but may affect certain applications.

  4. Band 1 radiances may be brighter on the west end than on the east end by 1% or more.

  5. Band 4 radiances are about 7% darker, and Band 5 radiances are about 7% brighter than commonly accepted values from comparable satellites products. These may be due to error in the gains of these channels so the bias is larger for brighter scenes.

  6. Band 2 is brighter than commonly accepted values by up to 10%.

  7. There are periodic infrared calibration anomalies (PICA) present in the data that can be seen as regular and repeating pulses in infrared brightness temperatures. The infrared calibration may produce an error with a periodicity depending on timeline.

  8. Image navigation for Bands 12-16 places landmarks about 6 km to the south of where they should be.

  9. Image striping may occur across all 16 channels.

Contacts for specific information on the ABI data:

Fred Wu (L1b) xiangqian.wu@noaa.gov

Tim Schmit (CMI) tim.j.schmit@noaa.gov

Contact Information for Further Information: OSPO User Services at SPSD.UserServices@noaa.gov


Web Site(s) for applicable information:

See https://www.ospo.noaa.gov/Operations/messages.html for this and other satellite related messages. See http://www.goes-r.gov/spacesegment/abi.html for ABI specific information.


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