Update#1 M-bM-^@M-^S The USMCCM-bM-^@M-^Ys database has been fully restored and returned to Normal Operations 30 December 2018 at 1815Z.

SARSAT US Mission Control Center Operating From Backup Facility

Date/Time Issued:December 30, 2018 2211Z

Product(s) or Data Impacted:SARSAT alert data

Date/Time of Initial Impact:December 30, 2018 0033Z

Date/Time of Expected End: December 30, 2018 1815Z

Length of Outage: 17 hours 48 mins

Details/Specifics of Change:Due to a database failure, theSARSATUS Mission Control Center (USMCC)hastransferred operations to its backup facility in Wallops, VA at0033Z.The backup USMCCfacility in Wallops, VAis operatingremotely from NSOFin Suitland, MD. All USMCC telephone numbers are the same.

Contact Information for Further Information: USMCC Operationsusmcc@noaa.govat


Web Site(s) for applicable information:N/A

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