Topic: Near Real Time VIIRS SNPP Ocean Color products are severely degraded from February 16, 2018

Date/Time Issued: February 23, 2018 2051Z

Product(s) or Data Impacted: Near Real Time Ocean Color Environmental Data Record (EDR) products

Date/Time of Initial Impact: February 16, 2018 00Z

Date/Time of Expected End: TBD

Length of Outage: TBD

Details/Specifics of Change: Due to a calibration issue affecting the NOAA/IDPS Sensor Data Record (SDR, i.e., L1B) for VIIRS SNPP, the Near Real Time Ocean Color Environmental Data Record (EDR) products from 16 February 2018 until further notice are severely degraded. The VIIRS Ocean Color Science Team (EDR data producer) suggests products "should not be used". The NOAA/JPSS SDR team is investigating the problem. This notice includes MSL12 Near Real Time products available through OSPO as well as through CoastWatch because both are processed from IDPS SDR. We will advise when data quality is restored.

Contact Information for Further Information: ESPC Operations at at 301-817-3880 and/or other contacts as necessary

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