Update #1: The first two fuel depletion maneuvers we performed as scheduled on April 6th, 8th and 9th, resulting in degraded sea surface height measurements. A station keeping maneuver was executed at 02h02m07s Z on April 10th with a small decrease of -40.5m (instead of the third depletion maneuver). This maneuver also resulted in degraded sea surface height measurements. Additional maneuvers and degraded sea surface height measurements can be expected over the next several days.

Topic: Jason-2 Depletion Maneuvers

Date Issued: Issued April 10, 2018 - 1240Z

Product(s) or Data Impacted: Jason-2 Operational Geophysical Data Records (OGDRs)

Date/Time of Initial Impact: April 6, 2018 0054Z

Date/Time of Expected End:
April 17, 2018

Length of Event: TBD

Details/Specifics of Change:
A number of Jason-2 fuel depletion maneuvers are scheduled from April 6 to April 17, 2018. The first two maneuvers are scheduled for April 6 and April 8-9, 2018. The exact times of the remaining maneuvers will be given in later updates.
1st maneuver: The first burn will occur on April 6 at 00h54m32s Di = +0.01846\xB0 with a duration of 586.5s Dv = 2.29m/s. The second burn will occur at 06h29m58s Di =-0.01846\xB0 with a duration of 598.13s Dv = -2.29m/s.
2nd maneuver: The first burn will occur April 8 at 23h49m30s. The second burn will occur on April 9 at 05h25m02s.
3rd maneuver: April 10th (exact time given later)
4th maneuver: April 11th (exact time given later)
5th maneuver: April 12th (exact time given later)
6th maneuver: April 13th (exact time given later)
7th maneuver: April 17th (TBC according to the remaining fuel)
The maneuvers will be performed mostly, but not completely, over land. Sea surface height measurements from telemetry during the maneuvers is expected to be degraded. In addition, products could be impacted 30 minutes before each maneuver and up to 2 hours following each maneuver. Wind and wave content in the products will not be impacted.

Contact Information for Further Information:
ESPC Operations at ESPCOperations@noaa.gov and 301-817-3880

Web Site(s) for applicable information:

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