Update #2 The manual resync was tested on April 17, 2018 at ~1544 UTC. The test was inconclusive as the resync was sent during a period when the global imaging was relatively uncorrupted. Engineering plans on having the resync command loaded in the stored command table and sent 3 times a day to see if there\x92s any improvement. Investigation continues.

Update #1 The N15 AVHRR global imaging continues to be corrupted, however the issue appears to periodically correct itself at 0730Z daily and remain that way for several orbits afterward. This has been determined to likely be caused by the \x93re-sync\x94 command being sent daily at that time. Therefore, sending the \x93re-sync\x94 command every orbit may correct this issue. This will be tested by engineering on April 17, 2018 at ~1410Z.

Topic: NOAA-15 AVHRR Global Image Outage

Date/Time Issued: April 19, 2018 0058Z

Product(s) or Data Impacted: AVHRR Imaging Products

Date/Time of Initial Impact: April 12, 2018 0000Z

Impacts on Users and Significance: AVHRR imaging products have been impacted.

Date/Time of Expected End: April 13, 2018 1130Z

Length of Outage: ~36 Hours

Details/Specifics of Change:

The N15 AVHRR global imaging became corrupted on April 12 at ~0000Z due to sync issues. This may be caused by erratic scan motor current due to loss of lubricant. The problem appears to have corrected itself, as the global image is no longer corrupted. The issue is still under investigation.

Contact Information for Further Information: ESPC Operations at ESPCOperations@noaa.gov at 301-817-3880 and/or other contacts as necessary

Web Site(s) for applicable information: N/A

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