Topic: SNPP VIIRS and CrIS reset and recovery

Date/Time Issued: July 5, 2018 1945Z

Product(s) or Data Impacted: SNPP VIIRS and CrIS Sensor data

Date/Time of Initial Impact: Jul 5, 2018 1920Z

Date/Time of Expected End
: Jul 5, 2018 2300Z

Length of Outage: see details

Details/Specifics of Change:
SNPP VIIRS suffered an uncorrectable error and TMON 37 tripped causing swap of 1394 Bus from side B to side A. At AOS of SVL 34652, the CrIS 1394 bus also showed a reset and the CDP root node will need to be recovered. Engineering team is conducting recovery for the next 3 orbits between 19:20 - 2300, and will affect VIIRS and CrIS data. VIIRS instrument will be safed, reset, and both CrIS and VIIRS will be configured back to operation.

Affected orbits are:
SVL 34652: 19:20 - 19:31: VIIRS safed and recycled, VIIRS placed in Op day and producing all data in all bands, including more data during night.
SVL 34653: 21:02 - 21:15
SVL 34653: 22:43 - 22:58

Additional orbits may be required.

Some data may not transferred to users because it did not meet their timeliness requirements.

Contact Information for Further Information: ESPC Operations at and 301-817-3880

Web Site(s) for applicable information: N/A

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