Update#1 - A technician investigated and found a faulty serial hub (NPort unit) however no spare is available to replace the unit. A unit is being shipped to the site.
Topic:SARSAT Florida1Low Earth Orbit (LEO) Ground Station Offline
Date/Time Issued:December 21, 2018 2350Z
Product(s) or Data Impacted: SARSAT alert data
Date/Time of Initial Impact: December 21, 2018 2145Z
Date/Time of Expected End:TBD
Length of Outage:TBD
Details/Specifics of Change:Florida1LEO Ground Station in Miami,FLhas missed two consecutive passes. The maintenance vendor is investigating.
Impact:Minor-Dual satellite tracking capability lost. Distress alert detection/reporting may be delayed.
Information for Further Information:USMCC Operationsusmcc@noaa.govat
Web Site(s) for applicable information:N/A