Update #1M-B The anomaly that caused the^M
loss of GOES-16 products distributed to PDA was resolved.M-B^M
With the exception of Derived Motion Winds, all products^M
returned and were nominal as of January 14, 2019 at 1915Z.M-B^M
With the exception of Derived Motion Winds, total impact on^M
products was 53 minutes.M-B Derived MotionM-BWinds is expected to^M
recover with the receipt of three nominal time sequential ABI^M
images with appropriate central wavelengths.M-B M-BM-BM-BM-BM-BM-B
Topic:M-B Product Outage/Anomaly:M-B Loss of^M
GOES-16 products distributed to PDA
Date/Time Issued:M-BM-BJanuaryM-B14,^M
2019M-B 2058Z
Product(s) or Data Impacted:M-B Loss of^M
GOES-16 products distributed to PDAM-BM-BM-B
Date/Time of Initial Impact:M-BM-BJanuaryM-B14,^M
2019 1822Z
Date/Time of Expected End:M-B January 14, 2019^M
Length of Event:M-B 53 Minutes
Details/Specifics of Change:M-B Loss of^M
GOES-16 products distributed to PDA due to an^M
anomaly.M-BM-BGOES-16 products distributedM-Bto AWIPS and over the^M
GRBM-Bwere not impacted by this anomaly.M-B M-BM-BM-BM-BM-BM-BM-BM-BM-BM-BM-B