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Topic: NDE Planned System Upgrade^M



Date/Time Issued: January 30, M-B2019, 2101 UTC




Product(s) or Data Impacted: M-BAll NDE products




Date/Time of Initial Impact: M-BJanuary 31, M-B2019, 1440 UTC




Date/Time of Expected End: January 31, M-B2019, 1710 UTC




Length of Outage: M-BM-B2.5 hrs




Details/Specifics of Change:


Install NDE release 2.0.14


The installation is planned to be done during back orbits. NDE will not be ingesting, processing or distributing data during installation.M-B No data loss expected, but there will be a possible backlog of processing when installation is complete.


Algorithm changes are as follows:


The update extends MiRS's capability to provide ATMS Snowfall Rate (SFR) product from S-NPP. Although there is no change to the PDA short name, the revision number in the MiRS IMG and SND files are changed from v11r1 to v11r3 as shown below.


Current OPS granule files:






After the Jan 31 transition:






There is no change to the MiRS 33min filename, which doesn't contain revision number.






Upgrade NDE enterprise cloud, aerosol and cryosphere products from v1.2 to v2.0 (Product shortname starts with "JPSSRR_"). The only NOAA-20 product from this suite for this release is Aerosol Optical Depth (NetCDF and BUFR). The rest of NOAA-20 products will be included in the next release. After upgrade, product shortname in PDA stays the same, but version number in filename will change from v1r2 to v2r0.


Update current operational vegetation products from 4 km to 1km including TCI, TCI and VHI. This version will have capacity to produce the products in GeoTIFF format.


Patch to put the proper satellite identifier in the NOAA-20 ACSPO BUFR data


Due to the upgrade of BUFR toolkit, the SNPP VPW BUFR filename convention is slightly different. Note that the "version" on filename convention is changed from 'v1r0' to 'v2.1'.








Contact Information: M-BFor information on the status of this work, please contact ESPC Operations at ESPCOperations@noaa.gov and 301-817-3880




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