Topic: SARSAT Maryland 1 Geostationary
(GEO) Ground Station Offline
Date/Time Issued:February 9, 2019 1910Z
Product(s) or Data Impacted: SARSAT alert data
Date/Time of Initial Impact:February 9, 2019 1744Z
Date/Time of Expected End:TBD
Length of Outage:TBD
Details/Specifics of Change:Maryland 1 GEO Ground
Station in Suitland, MD, has stopped receiving alert data.
Vendor maintenance is investigating.
Impact:Minor - There is no impact on distress alert
detection/reporting timeliness due to redundancy of the SARSAT
GEOLUT system.
Contact Information for Further Information:USMCC
Web Site(s) for applicable information:N/A
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