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^M Topic:^M M-BProduct Anomaly: Degradation of GOES-16 ABI L2^M Cloud Particle Size Meso-2 products and their distribution^M to PDA.
^M ^M Date/Time^M Issued:M-B March^M 9, 2019 1510Z
^M ^M Product(s) or Data Impacted:M-B Degradation^M of GOES-16 ABI L2 Cloud Particle Size Meso-2 products^M and their distribution to PDA.M-BM-BM-B
^M ^M Date/Time^M of Initial Impact:M-B March 9,^M 2019 1254Z^M ^M Date/Time of Expected End:M-B March 9, 2019 1326Z^M ^M Length of Event:M-B 32 minutes^M ^M Details/Specifics of Change:M-B GOES-16 ABI L2 Cloud^M Particle Size Meso-2 products degraded due to an anomaly.M-B^M These degraded products were distributed to PDA. M-B M-B^M M-B M-B^M M-B M-B M-B
^M M-BM-BM-BM-BM-B^M Contact^M Information for Further Information: ross.cox@noaa.gov^M
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