Update #1: The planned live date for this software patch is now no earlier than March 28, 2019 due to CWD delays. An ESPC Notification will be issued when the exact time is determined and again when the patch goes live.
Topic: GOES-16/17 software patch installation scheduled for March 25, 2019
Date/Time Issued: February 19, 2019 1840 UTC
Product(s) or Data Impacted: Some GOES-16 and GOES-17 ABI and GLM products
Date/Time of Initial Impact: March 25, 2019 TBD UTC
Date/Time of Expected End: N/A
Length of Outage: N/A
Details/Specifics of Change:
A GOES-16/17 software patch is planned to go live on March 25, 2019 (exact time to be determined). An ESPC Notification will be issued when the exact time is determined and again when the patch goes live. This patch will result in ABI and a GLM change as detailed below. GOES Rebroadcast (GRB) and GOES-R Product Definition and UsersM-bM-^@M-^Y Guide (PUG) impacts and updates are noted.
Algorithm | Title | Summary | GRB impact | PUG update |
ABI L1b Resampling | ABI Meso Navigation Bias relative to Full Disk / CONUS | In a previous build the Corner points of the ABI mesoscale images were updated to correct a half-pixel offset. This update will fix the associated M-bM-^@M-^\xM-bM-^@M-^] and M-bM-^@M-^\yM-bM-^@M-^] coordinate arrays. | no | no |
ABI L1b Resampling | ABI L1b missing_pixel_count and percent_no_value_pixel_qf metadata are always zero | When constructing a default or missing pixel, Resampling sets the pixel's swath count to zero, and then interprets this as meaning that the pixel is not on the fixed grid. And if a pixel is not on the fixed grid, it is labeled as fill data. This leads to missing pixels which are on the fixed grid (i.e. on Earth) being incorrectly labeled as fill instead of missing. | no | no |
ABI L1b Resampling | The saturated_pixel_count in the ABI L1b metadata does not match the counts from the DQF image | Fixes the a bug that was not properly reporting the Saturated Pixel counts. | no | no |
ABI L1b | rs1 and rs2 sporadic caterpillar tracks | Modify the ABI L1b Resampling algorithm to interpolate over the gaps in the ABI scan mirror angles caused by dropped L0 normal scan packets. The associated ABI science data samples can then navigated and resampled to produce gap-free L1b imagery. This will stop dropped L0 normal scan packets from causing "caterpillar track" ABI L1b image artifacts, which should address the largest source of current ABI L1b image artifacts. | no | no |
ABI L0 Processing | GOES EAST ABI L0 Processing Mishandles Truncated ABI Timeline | Allows L0 processing to handle when ABI timelines are switched mid timeline. | no | no |
ABI L1b | ABI L1b Degradation/Fill | Fixes an issue with the way resampling is cached at start up. | no | no |
ABI L1b Resampling | Sample outlier *.tmp files during excessive outlier events | Fixes an issue where sample outlier files can become very large and cause processiing issues when G17 ABI saturates. | no | no |
ABI L!b | ABI update to CDRL 80 Volume 3 Rev G | Incorporates a scaling factor in the quadratic term of the SCT gain calculation. | no | no |
ABI L1b Resampling | ABI Meso2 Using Wrong RDP | Fixes an issue where meso2 was not properly initializing a new timeline. This caused new RDP LUTs not to be used by meso2. | no | no |
ABI L1b | ABI L1b temperature data quality flag (TDQF) | Adds a focal plane temperature-driven data quality flag and associated metadata to indicate when radiances are impacted by on-orbit thermal conditions. | xml | yes |
ABI L2 CMI | ABI TDQF and metadata for L2 CMI | Propagates TDQF flags and metadata to L2 CMI. | no | yes |
ABI L1b | empty data field in INST-CAL | This issue is expected to be resolved by WR 6163. | no | no |
GLM L1b | Error in GLM Alignment readIersData.f file causes issues when reading 2019 IERS Bulletin A files | Fixes an internal issue that was preventing GLM from reading in the current IERS Bulletin. | no | no |
Contact Information for Further Information: SPSD User Services at SPSD.UserServices@noaa.gov or ESPC Operations at ESPCOperations@noaa.gov or 301-817-3880
Web Site(s) for applicable information:
See https://www.ospo.noaa.gov/Operations/messages.html for this and other satellite related messages.
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