Update #2: NDE and PDA
processing has switched back to the NSOF site from the CBU site.
product distribution will be processed through the NSOF site.
The PDA team continues to troubleshoot the login issue at the
CBU site and will provide an update when resolved. Data waiting
at the CBU site will remain available for several hours after
the login issue is corrected.
Update #1: As of 1413Z PDA at CBU is experiencing login issues. PDA has NOT switched back to NSOF yet. Data will be available when the login issues are resolved. We are troubleshooting the login issues at CBU and will provide an update when the issue has been resolved. A separate update will be provided when PDA switches back to NSOF at a later time. Data at CBU will be available for several hours after the login issue has been resolved.
Topic: ESPDS PDA scheduled COOP activity will affect NOAA-20/S-NPP/GCOM-W1 product distribution.
Date/Time Issued: May 6, 2019 1620Z
Product(s) or Data Impacted: NOAA-20/S-NPP/GCOM-W1 products
Date/Time of the Initial Impact: May 7, 2018 1410 UTC
Date/Time of Expected End: May 8, 2018 1510 UTC
Length of the Outage: See details below.
Details/Specifics of Change:
All NOAA-20/S-NPP/GCOM-W1 data processing and flight/satellite operations will be failed over to the Consolidated Backup (CBU) site at Fairmont, WV on May 7, 2019 in support of a test of our backup capability. The purpose of the exercise is to ensure the ability to failover NOAA-20/S-NPP/GCOM-W1 for both flight and data operations to the CBU.
The NDE (product generation) and PDA (data distribution) portion of the CBU exercise will begin at approximately 1010 EDT / 1410 UTC on May 7, 2019. During that planned time:
M-7 NOAA-20/S-NPP/GCOM-W1 data ingest will begin to flow to our product generation and distribution systems at CBU. Ingest will run for approximately 24 hours at CBU.
M-7 The last NOAA-20/S-NPP/GCOM-W1 received at NSOF before the CBU activation will process and be available within 1-2 hours at NSOF after the activation. Similarly, after ingest stops at CBU, products will continue to process and be distributed at PDA for 1-2 hours at CBU after failback to NSOF.
M-7 This is a PARTIAL COOP scenario, meaning that all other data (legacy data) will continue to be available via PDA NSOF.
M-7 PDA staff will have a call in number to help troubleshoot usersM-bM-^@M-^Y issues from 0930 EDT / 1330 UTC until 1300 EDT / 1700 UTC on Tue May 7 and from 0930 EDT / 1330 UTC until 1300 EDT / 1700 UTC, or until all processing at CBU is complete on Tue May 8. That number is 877-951-0690, pin 4961539#.
Information for Further Information: ESPC
Operations at ESPCOperations@noaa.gov and 301-817-3880.
Web Site(s) for applicable information: N/A
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