^M ^M ^M ^MUpdate #2: The install date for ACSPO v2.70M-BM-Bhas been changed to June 3, 2019 for the product change for ACSPO SST.
^M ^M^M
^MUpdate #1: The new date for the product change for ACSPO SST from AVHRR via ACSPO v2.70 install is May 14, 2019. ^M
^MTopic: Product Change for Advanced Clear-Sky Processor for Oceans (ACSPO) SST from AVHRR
^MDate/Time Issued: May 10, 2019 1330Z
^MProduct(s) or Data Impacted: M-BAll ACSPO AVHRR SST (and aer-sub) Products
^MDate/Time of Initial Impact: M-BM-BMay 11, 2019
^MDate/Time of Expected End: N/A
^MLength of Outage: N/A
^MDetails/Specifics of Change: Install ACSPO v2.70
^MThe naming convention and the version number for ACSPO SST AVHRR are scheduled to change on May 11, 2019 with the upgrade to ACSPO v2.70.M-B The changes are as follows:
^M1) M-BVersion number of ACSPO will change from V2.41 to V2.70.
^M2) The satellite identifier and the instrument identifier are currently combined in one field and will now be separate fields, delimited by an underscore '_' in the filename.M-B The MetOp satellite identifiers are also changing and the instrument identifier is adding an M-bM-^@M-^XFM-bM-^@M-^Y on the end of AVHRR to indicate FRAC.
^M(a) The satellite identifier for MetOp-A is changing from M-bM-^@M-^XMTAM-bM-^@M-^Y to M-bM-^@M-^XMAM-bM-^@M-^Y and MetOp-B is changing from M-bM-^@M-^XMTBM-bM-^@M-^Y to M-bM-^@M-^XMBM-bM-^@M-^Y.
^M(b) M-BThe instrument identifier for FRAC is changing to now use AVHRRF.M-B In the old form, FRAC was not indicated at all.
^MGiven (a) and (b) listed above, the value for the 2 fields is changing for FRAC from 'AVHRRMTA' to 'AVHRRF_MA' and 'AVHRRMTB' to 'AVHRRF_MB'.M-B Examples of the names are below.
^MCurrently the filenames are typically in the following format:
^MThe new format will be as follows: 20181129121000-OSPO-L2P_GHRSST-SSTsubskin-AVHRRF_MB-ACSPO_V2.70-v02.0-fv01.0.nc
^MUsers may request sample data by emailing John Sapper (John.Sapper@noaa.gov).
^MThe content of the product files remains the same with the exception of the addition of a couple metadata parameters mainly for internal use.
^MThis upgrade will not be performed during Critical Weather Day (CWD).M-B Additionally, the contents of this release are subject to change based on user readiness, customer feedback, and management approval.M-B Additional ESPC notifications will provide further details and updates concerning this release. User feedback and questions should be emailed to John Sapper (John.Sapper@noaa.gov).
^MContact Information: M-BFor information on the status of this work, please contact John Sapper John.Sapper@noaa.gov or ESPC Operations at ESPCOperations@noaa.gov or 301-817-3880
^MWeb Site(s) for applicable information: N/A
^MThis message was sent to ESPC.Notification@noaa.gov.M-B You have been sent this and other notifications because you have opted in to receive it.M-B If you wish to unsubscribe please contact the ESPC Help Desk at ESPCOperations@noaa.gov or (301) 817-3880.M-B Please note: it may take up to two business days to process your unsubscribe request.