Update #2 - REMINDER: The operational blended-hydro products update is scheduled to occur on Monday, June 3, 2019 1500 UTC.

Update #1: This is a two week reminder for the operational blended-hydro products update occurring on June 3, 2019 1500 UTC.

Topic: NESDIS Operational Blended-Hydro Products to be updated to include NOAA-20 TPW and RR retrievals from MiRS

Date/Time Issued: April 29, 2019 1935 UTC

Product(s) or Data Impacted: M-BNESDIS Operational Blended Total Precipitable Water (bTPW), Percentage of TPW Normal (PCT), Blended Rain Rate (bRR)

Date/Time of Initial Impact: June 3, 2019 1500 UTC

Impacts on Users and Significance: Improved product quality and time latency for the blended TPW and RR products.

Details/Specifics of Change:

On June 3, 2019 at 1500 UTC, the blended-hydro products will be updated to include NOAA-20 TPW and Rain Rate (RR) retrievals from Microwave Integrated Retrieval System (MiRS). This update applies to all types of the blended-hydro products disseminated through the Product Distribution and Access (PDA), McIDAS ADDE server, AWIPS and also NAWIPS.

With this update, the following changes will be implemented:

1. M-BM-BM-BThe products will now also be made available in netCDF4 format.

2. M-BM-BM-BThe SatID and Data Age at each pixel will be added as extra data fields in both HDF-EOS and netCDF4 data files.

3. M-BM-BM-BThe global product users are required to switch from using HDF-EOS to netCDF4.

4. M-BM-BM-BNWS AWIPS users are also required to transition from GINI to use netCDF4 on PDA. Please note: Blended TPW and RR products in GINI AWIPS format will be terminated soon after July 2019.


The affected products in HDF-EOS format have the following filenames and corresponding PDA product shortnames:

NPR.COMP.TPW.Syyyymmddhh.Eyyyymmddhh.Tddhhss - M-BBlended_TPW

NPR.COMP.RR.Syyyymmddhh.Eyyyymmddhh.Tddhhss - M-BBlended_RR

NPR.COMP.PCT.Syyyymmddhh.Eyyyymmddhh.Tddhhss M-B- TPW_Anomaly

The newly generated netCDF4 products have the following filenames and corresponding PDA product shortnames:

BHP-TPW_v01r1_blend_syyyymmddhhsss_eyyyymmddhhsss_cyyyymmddhhsss.nc M-B- BHP-TPW

BHP-RR_v01r1_blend_syyyymmddhhsss_eyyyymmddhhsss_cyyyymmddhhsss.nc M-B- BHP-RR

BHP-PCT_v01r1_blend_syyyymmddhhsss_eyyyymmddhhsss_cyyyymmddhhsss.nc M-B- BHP-PCT

This product algorithm change will be rescheduled in the event of a Critical Weather Day (CWD).

Contact Information for Further Information:

Product Area Lead - Limin Zhao (Limin.Zhao@noaa.gov)

Web Site(s) for applicable information:

https://www.ospo.noaa.gov/Products/bTPW/index.html - bTPW

https://www.ospo.noaa.gov/Products/bRR/index.html - bRR

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