^M ^M ^M ^M ^MTopic: M-BOperational Implementation of S-NPP NOAA Unique Combined Atmospheric Processing System (NUCAPS) Low Resolution Products (Phase 4 Version 3)
^M ^MM-B
^MDate/Time Issued: M-BJune 4, 2019 M-B1520Z
^MProduct(s) or Data Impacted: M-BRemove VIIRS IDPS Cloud dependence on S-NPP NUCAPS and replace with Enterprise VIIRS Clouds to generate NUCAPS Low Resolution Product
^MDate/Time of Initial Impact: July 3, 2019 1500Z
^MDate/Time of Expected End: N/A
^MLength of Event: N/A
^MDetails/Specifics of Change: On July 3, 2019 1500Z, NUCAPS Phase 4 version 3 will be implemented in the NESDIS ESPC operations.M-B Version 4.3 will remove VIIRS IDPS Cloud dependence on S-NPP NUCAPS and replace with Enterprise VIIRS Clouds to generate M-BNUCAPS Low Resolution products.
NDE is currently running NUCAPS Phase 3 for S-NPP CrIS low-resolution (399 and 1305 channels) data for BUFR using the IDPS VIIRS Clouds.M-B NDE is also currently running NUCAPS phase 4 version 3 for S-NPP and NOAA-20 hi-res (431 and 2211) data for BUFR using the Enterprise VIIRS Clouds.
^MThe following changes will be implemented for NUCAPS low resolution products in NetCDF and BUFR formats:
^MThe products will have IDPS generated VIIRS Cloud Mask and Cloud Height replaced with JPSSRR (JPSS Risk Reduction) generated Enterprise VIIRS Cloud Mask and Cloud Height.
^MPlease note: Existing PDA subscriptions need not to change by the users because the file short names in PDA for these products will not be changed.
^MThe newly generated NetCDF4 and BUFR products have the following filenames and corresponding PDA product shortnames:
^MFile name NUCAPS-C0399_v2r0_npp_s*.bufr Shortname CrIS_C0399_BUFR
^MFile name NUCAPS-C1305_v2r0_npp_s*.bufr Shortname CrIS_C1305_BUFR
^MFile name NUCAPS-ALL-LR_v2r0_npp_s*.nc Shortname NUCAPS_ALL
^MFile name NUCAPS-C0399_v1r0_npp_s*.bufr Shortname CrIS_C0399_BUFR
^MFile name NUCAPS-C1305_v1r0_npp_s*.bufr Shortname CrIS_C1305_BUFR
^MFile name NUCAPS_ALL_?????????_*.nc Shortname NUCAPS_ALL
^MSample data are provided for user testing and will be available for the next 30 days from June 4, 2019: https://satepsanone.nesdis.noaa.gov/pub/30day/NUCAPS-ALL-LR
^MContact Information for Further Information:
^MProduct Area Lead - Awdhesh Sharma (Awdhesh.Sharma@noaa.gov)
^MWeb Site(s) for applicable information:
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