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Topic: M-BOperational Implementation of S-NPP NOAA Unique Combined Atmospheric Processing System (NUCAPS) Low Resolution Products (Phase 4 Version 3)

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Date/Time Issued: M-BJune 4, 2019 M-B1520Z




Product(s) or Data Impacted: M-BRemove VIIRS IDPS Cloud dependence on S-NPP NUCAPS and replace with Enterprise VIIRS Clouds to generate NUCAPS Low Resolution Product




Date/Time of Initial Impact: July 3, 2019 1500Z




Date/Time of Expected End: N/A




Length of Event: N/A


Details/Specifics of Change: On July 3, 2019 1500Z, NUCAPS Phase 4 version 3 will be implemented in the NESDIS ESPC operations.M-B Version 4.3 will remove VIIRS IDPS Cloud dependence on S-NPP NUCAPS and replace with Enterprise VIIRS Clouds to generate M-BNUCAPS Low Resolution products.


NDE is currently running NUCAPS Phase 3 for S-NPP CrIS low-resolution (399 and 1305 channels) data for BUFR using the IDPS VIIRS Clouds.M-B NDE is also currently running NUCAPS phase 4 version 3 for S-NPP and NOAA-20 hi-res (431 and 2211) data for BUFR using the Enterprise VIIRS Clouds.




The following changes will be implemented for NUCAPS low resolution products in NetCDF and BUFR formats:



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  • The products will have IDPS generated VIIRS Cloud Mask and Cloud Height replaced with JPSSRR (JPSS Risk Reduction) generated Enterprise VIIRS Cloud Mask and Cloud Height.

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    Please note: Existing PDA subscriptions need not to change by the users because the file short names in PDA for these products will not be changed.


    The newly generated NetCDF4 and BUFR products have the following filenames and corresponding PDA product shortnames:


    NUCAPS 4.3:


    File name NUCAPS-C0399_v2r0_npp_s*.bufr Shortname CrIS_C0399_BUFR


    File name NUCAPS-C1305_v2r0_npp_s*.bufr Shortname CrIS_C1305_BUFR


    File name NUCAPS-ALL-LR_v2r0_npp_s*.nc Shortname NUCAPS_ALL




    NUCAPS 3:


    File name NUCAPS-C0399_v1r0_npp_s*.bufr Shortname CrIS_C0399_BUFR


    File name NUCAPS-C1305_v1r0_npp_s*.bufr Shortname CrIS_C1305_BUFR


    File name NUCAPS_ALL_?????????_*.nc Shortname NUCAPS_ALL




    Sample data are provided for user testing and will be available for the next 30 days from June 4, 2019: https://satepsanone.nesdis.noaa.gov/pub/30day/NUCAPS-ALL-LR




    Contact Information for Further Information:


    Product Area Lead - Awdhesh Sharma (Awdhesh.Sharma@noaa.gov)




    Web Site(s) for applicable information:






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