Update #1: The scheduled termination of some SAB products scheduled for July 15, 2019 has been rescinded. Dvorak Analysis, Microwave Positions, and Bulletins generated by SAB will continue in the near term.M-B

Topic:M-B Termination of Some SAB Tropical Products


Date/Time Issued:M-B June 25, 2019 1500 UTC


Product(s) or Data Impacted:M-B NESDIS Satellite Analysis Branch (SAB) Tropical Products


Date/Time of Initial Impact: July 15, 2019 0000 UTC


Date/Time of Expected End: N/A


Length of Event: permanent

Details/Specifics of Change:M-B

Effective 00 UTC 15 July 2019, the Dvorak Classifications, Microwave Positions and Bulletins generated by SAB will no longer be available for the South Atlantic Ocean Basin, North Indian Ocean Basin, South Indian Ocean Basin, Mediterranean Sea and significant portions of both the West Pacific Ocean Basin and the South Pacific Ocean Basin.

In the West Pacific Ocean Basin, these SAB products will only be available south of 30N latitude between 140E longitude and the International Dateline. In the South Pacific Ocean Basin these products will only be available north of 25S latitude between 160E and 120W longitude.

Contact Information for Further Information:

SAB Tropical Program Lead - Michael Turk (michael.turk@noaa.gov)


Web Site(s) for applicable information:M-B



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Josh Jankot
User Services Coordinator - Physical Scientist
NOAA/NESDIS/OSPO/ Satellite Products and Services Division
NOAA Center for Weather & Climate Prediction, E/SP05
5830 University Research Court, Rm 3640, College Park, MD 20740
Tel: 301-683-3242, Fax: 301-683-3297

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