Update #5: The two-week SNPP CrIS switch effort has concluded and has now achieved provisional maturity status. SNPP CrIS products is now available to all approved users.

Update #4: The full recovery/reactivation plan of SNPP CrIS will commence June 24, 2019 at 1332 UTC.

Update #3: The full recovery/reactivation plan of SNPP CrIS has moved to no earlier than June 25, 2019.


Update #2: The timing and approval has been confirmed for the full recovery/reactivation plan of SNPP CrIS.


Update #1: M-BM-BThis notification is being withdrawn since it was prematurely released.M-B Once the exact timing and approval of the full recovery/reactivation plan of the SNPP CrIS is confirmed, a follow-up notification will be issued.


Topic: SNPP CrIS Switch to Side-2 Electronics

Date/Time Issued: July 25, 2019 1830 UTC

Product(s) or Data Impacted: SNPP/CrIS products, including CrIS RDR, SDR and NUCAPS L2 products

Date/Time of Initial Impact: M-BJune 25, 2019 1800 UTC

Date/Time of Expected End: M-B~14 weeks later

Length of Outage: up to 14 weeks from time of initiation

Details/Specifics of Change: M-BDuring the week of June 25-28, 2019 a switch of the SNPP/ Cross-track Infrared Sounder (CrIS) electronics from the current side-1 to the redundant side-2 will be performed.M-B This effort will be undertaken to recover from a CrIS midwave signal processor failure that occurred on side-1. Once the switch over to side-2 is initiated, all SNPP/CrIS science data (including NUCAPS L2 data) will be unavailable for up to a two week period as instrument adjustments are being performed.M-B Once the two-week switch effort is concluded, a 12-week Calibration/Validation effort will be undertaken to ensure the CrIS data is at the highest quality and maturity levels.

All SNPP/CrIS Products will be affected:

Important note: HRD/Direct Readout users should not use the data until notified that the data has reached an acceptable maturity level. M-B

Contact Information for Further Information: ESPC Operations at ESPCOperations@noaa.gov and 301-817-3880

Web Site(s) for applicable information: N/A

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