Date/Time Issued: August
19, 2019 1440Z
Product(s) or Data Impacted: See list below.
Date/Time of Initial Impact: August 19, 2019 14:11:10 UTC (from the Eumetsat Weekly Operations Schedule message)
Date/Time of Expected End: See table in detail for on and off switch time
Length of Outage: N/A
Details/Specifics of Change:
6113 |
Mon Aug 19 14:11:10 GMT+00:00 2019 |
Service Enhancement |
4920 |
1 |
2019-06-27 09:00:00.0 |
2019-06-27 09:00:00.0 |
general-announcement |
There is an issue with the latest EUMETCast software package, affecting Linux operating systems when the Tellicast client software (version 2.14.5) is used in combination with the Safenet drivers. A new alpha version of Tellicast, with a fix of the issue, is available for download. See the URL provided below. |
| |
2019-06-27 11:18:18.0 |
Planned Maintenance |
4952 |
1 |
2019-07-13 12:00:00.0 |
2019-11-30 13:00:00.0 |
GOES17 |
general-announcement |
data-degraded |
GOES-17 ABI Loop Heat Pipe anomaly will impact bands 8 through 16 in the given time period every day around 12:40 UTC. There will be a gradual degradation in image quality over one or several images with some complete outages. This process will cycle through varied degradation through November 30, 2019. The duration of the degradation and outage periods will vary by channel and by date. |
| |
scheduled |
2019-07-12 12:09:09.0 |
GOES Products |
Planned Maintenance |
4979 |
2 |
2019-08-11 20:30:00.0 |
2019-10-04 23:00:00.0 |
MET-8 |
eclipse-season |
risk-of-degradation |
There is a risk of degraded image quality every night from 20:30 to 23:00 in the given time period. [Rev 2]: End date updated. |
scheduled |
2019-07-31 15:14:11.0 |
IODC Meteosat Meteorological Products IODC SEVIRI Level 1.5 Image Data |
Planned Maintenance |
5048 |
1 |
2019-08-19 14:28:00.0 |
2019-08-19 14:35:00.0 |
Metop-B |
instrument-calibration |
data-unavailable |
Gain Compression |
scheduled |
2019-08-14 13:06:54.0 |
ASCAT Level 1 - Metop-B ASCAT Soil Moisture - Metop-B EARS-ASCAT ASCAT AHRPT Metop-B OSI SAF - Products |
Planned Maintenance |
5050 |
1 |
2019-08-20 00:00:00.0 |
2019-08-22 00:00:00.0 |
Metop-B |
instrument-calibration |
data-unavailable |
IASI External Calibration (Moon Intrusion). Short interruptions can be expected. |
scheduled |
2019-08-14 13:24:19.0 |
IASI Level 1 - Metop-B IASI Sounding Products - Metop-B EARS-IASI IASI AHRPT Metop-B OSI SAF - Products |
Planned Maintenance |
5053 |
1 |
2019-08-20 00:00:00.0 |
2019-08-22 00:00:00.0 |
Metop-C |
instrument-calibration |
data-unavailable |
IASI External Calibration (Moon Intrusion). Short interruptions can be expected. |
scheduled |
2019-08-14 13:23:55.0 |
Planned Maintenance |
5051 |
1 |
2019-08-20 08:17:00.0 |
2019-08-20 08:24:00.0 |
Metop-C |
instrument-calibration |
data-unavailable |
SEM MEPED in flight calibration. |
scheduled |
2019-08-14 13:16:12.0 |
SEM L0 - Metop-C SEM AHRPT Metop-C |
Planned Maintenance |
5046 |
1 |
2019-08-20 08:51:00.0 |
2019-08-20 08:58:00.0 |
Metop-B |
instrument-calibration |
data-unavailable |
SEM MEPED in flight calibration. |
scheduled |
2019-08-14 13:04:14.0 |
SEM L0 - Metop-B SEM AHRPT Metop-B |
Planned Maintenance |
5047 |
1 |
2019-08-20 08:51:00.0 |
2019-08-20 10:34:00.0 |
Metop-B |
instrument-calibration |
data-unavailable |
SEM TED in flight calibration. |
scheduled |
2019-08-14 13:05:11.0 |
SEM L0 - Metop-B SEM AHRPT Metop-B |
Planned Maintenance |
5043 |
1 |
2019-08-20 09:00:00.0 |
2019-08-22 09:00:00.0 |
MET-10 |
monthly-RSS-interruption |
data-unavailable |
Monthly interruption. Meteosat-10 Rapid Scanning Service (RSS) will be suspended for scheduled Full Earth Scanning and Ground Segment Maintenance. Meteosat-9 RSS image data, rectified to 9.5 deg E, replaces the Meteosat-10 service. The RSS meteorological product service is not available during this timeframe. An outage of 15 minutes (or slightly more) can be expected when switching to and from Meteosat-9. Also note that Meteosat-9 will be in eclipse season and therefore there is a risk of degraded image quality between 23:30 and 01:00 UTC during this period. |
scheduled |
2019-08-14 15:12:13.0 |
RSS SEVIRI Level 1.5 Image Data RSS Meteosat Meteorological Products |
Planned Maintenance |
5044 |
1 |
2019-08-20 09:17:00.0 |
2019-08-20 09:24:00.0 |
Metop-A |
instrument-calibration |
data-unavailable |
SEM MEPED in flight calibration. |
scheduled |
2019-08-14 12:57:32.0 |
SEM L0 - Metop-A SEM AHRPT Metop-A |
Planned Maintenance |
5045 |
1 |
2019-08-21 01:42:00.0 |
2019-08-21 08:28:00.0 |
Metop-A |
GOME-2 |
instrument-calibration |
data-unavailable |
GOME Moon Calibration. Short interruptions can be expected. |
scheduled |
2019-08-14 13:02:14.0 |
GOME-2 Level 1 - Metop-A GOME-2 AHRPT Metop-A AC SAF - Products |
Planned Maintenance |
5065 |
1 |
2019-08-21 08:00:00.0 |
2019-08-21 11:00:00.0 |
ground-segment-maintenance |
data-delayed |
Data Centre archive servers maintenance. During this time, the catalogue will not be updated and standing orders will be stopped. Over one day following the maintenance, standing orders and catalogue updates may be delayed due to necessary recovery activities. For full details please follow the URL below. |
| |
scheduled |
2019-08-19 14:09:11.0 |
EUMETSAT Data Centre |
Planned Maintenance |
5054 |
1 |
2019-08-21 09:11:00.0 |
2019-08-22 08:50:00.0 |
Metop-C |
GOME-2 |
instrument-calibration |
data-unavailable |
GOME Moon Calibration. Short interruptions can be expected. |
scheduled |
2019-08-14 13:37:40.0 |
GOME-2 Level 1 - Metop-C GOME-2 AHRPT Metop-C AC SAF - Products |
Planned Maintenance |
5049 |
1 |
2019-08-21 16:30:00.0 |
2019-08-22 09:23:00.0 |
Metop-B |
GOME-2 |
instrument-calibration |
data-unavailable |
GOME Moon Calibration. Short interruptions can be expected. |
scheduled |
2019-08-14 13:09:22.0 |
GOME-2 Level 1 - Metop-B GOME-2 AHRPT Metop-B AC SAF - Products |
Planned Maintenance |
5052 |
1 |
2019-08-23 05:12:00.0 |
2019-08-23 09:12:00.0 |
Metop-C |
instrument-calibration |
data-unavailable |
External Calibration. |
scheduled |
2019-08-14 13:18:29.0 |
Planned Maintenance |
5041 |
1 |
2019-08-28 12:00:00.0 |
2019-08-28 12:00:00.0 |
Sentinel-3A |
out-of-plane-manoeuvre |
data-degraded |
The exact times will be announced closer to the day of the manoeuvre. |
scheduled |
2019-08-14 09:56:38.0 |
OLCI Level 1 Products - S3A OLCI Level 2 Marine Products - S3A SLSTR Level 1 Products - S3A SLSTR Level 2 Marine Products - S3A SRAL Level 1 Products - S3A SRAL Level 2 Marine Products - S3A |
Planned Maintenance |
5042 |
1 |
2019-08-28 12:00:00.0 |
2019-08-28 12:00:00.0 |
Sentinel-3B |
in-plane-manoeuvre |
data-degraded |
The exact times will be announced closer to the day of the manoeuvre. |
scheduled |
2019-08-14 09:59:07.0 |
OLCI Level 1 Products - S3B SRAL Level 1 Products - S3B SRAL Level 2 Marine Products - S3B OLCI Level 2 Marine Products - S3B SLSTR Level 1 Products - S3B SLSTR Level 2 Marine Products - S3B |
Planned Maintenance |
4980 |
1 |
2019-08-30 22:30:00.0 |
2019-10-18 01:00:00.0 |
MET-10 |
eclipse-season |
risk-of-degradation |
There is a risk of degraded image quality every night from 22:30 to 01:00 next day in the given time period. |
scheduled |
2019-07-24 15:24:45.0 |
RSS SEVIRI Level 1.5 Image Data RSS Meteosat Meteorological Products |
Planned Maintenance |
4981 |
1 |
2019-09-02 23:00:00.0 |
2019-10-18 01:30:00.0 |
MET-11 |
eclipse-season |
risk-of-degradation |
There is a risk of degraded image quality every night from 23:00 to 01:30 next day in the given time period. |
scheduled |
2019-07-24 15:25:19.0 |
0\xB0 SEVIRI Level 1.5 Image Data 0\xB0 Meteosat Meteorological Products |
Service Enhancement |
5040 |
1 |
2019-09-05 09:00:00.0 |
2019-09-05 09:00:00.0 |
product-change |
risk-of-interruption |
NOAA will change the cloud information which is part of the S-NPP CrIS products from the IDPS generated VIIRS Cloud Mask and Cloud Height to the JPSSRR (JPSS Risk Reduction) generated Enterprise VIIRS Cloud Mask and Cloud Height. This will also change the version number of the CrIS products to V2. There is no impact expected on other parameters of the CrIS product. An outage of 2.5 hours can be expected. For sample files of the V2 CrIS products (EUMETCast files and GTS files), see the URL provided below. |
| |
scheduled |
2019-08-14 08:05:24.0 |
CrlS Level 1 - Suomi-NPP |
Service Enhancement |
5055 |
1 |
2019-09-10 09:00:00.0 |
2019-09-10 09:00:00.0 |
product-change |
The OSI SAF OSI-203 product, Atlantic High Latitude Sea Surface Temperature, will be discontinued. The replacement products are two Northern High Latitude L3 Sea and Sea Ice Surface Temperature products, OSI-203-a and OSI-203-b, based on Metop-B AVHRR data and SNPP VIIRS data respectively. These products have been available on EUMETCast since 03/04/2019. For more details, see the URL provided below. See also related UNS message #4631. |
| |
scheduled |
2019-08-14 13:39:49.0 |
OSI SAF - Products |
Planned Maintenance |
5056 |
1 |
2019-09-30 09:00:00.0 |
2019-09-30 09:00:00.0 |
Metop-A |
instrument-calibration |
data-unavailable |
The non-linearity correction tables for Metop-A IASI are planned to be updated. The impact on the Metop-A IASI level 1c radiances will be around 0.1-0.2K depending on scene temperature. The exact time will be provided closer to the event. |
scheduled |
2019-08-14 15:09:13.0 |
IASI Level 1 - Metop-A EARS-IASI |
Eumetsat-Allee 1 D-64295 Darmstadt Germany |
+49 6151 807 3660/3770 |
+49 6151 807 3790 |
| |
| |