^M ^M ^M ^M ^M^M
^MDate/Time Issued:M-BAugust 26, 2019 1454Z
^MProduct(s) or Data Impacted: GOES-17 ABI product outage
^MDate/Time of Initial Impact:M-BSeptember 5,M-B2019 1510Z
^MDate/Time of Expected End: September 5, 2019 1520Z
^MLength of Outage: Approximately 5 minutes at the end of a period of Continuous Full Disk operations
^MDetails/Specifics of Change: On September 5, 2019, GOES-17 ABI 10-minute Flex Mode (mode 6) will be replaced with 10 minutes of Continuous Full Disk (mode 4) from 1510-1520Z. A GOES-17 ABI solar calibration scan will be performed between 1515-1520Z, resulting in an outage of all ABI products. ABI 10-minutes Flex Mode (mode 6) will resume at 1520Z. The next Full Disk scan will populate at 1520Z.
^MContact Information for Further Information: ESPC Operations at ESPCOperations@noaa.gov or 301-817-3880
^MWeb Site(s) for applicable information:
^MSee https://www.ospo.noaa.gov/Operations/messages.html for this and other satellite related messages.