Topic: Planned ESPC NCWCP Network Migration at CLPRK to affect application and workstation connectivity.
Date/Time Issued:October 04, 2019 1730Z
or Data Impacted:Legacy
ESPC network using Private Optical Network at CLPRK site will
be down for 1 to 2 minutes.
Date/Time of Initial Impact: October 08, 2019 1600Z
of Expected End:October
08, 2019 1700Z
Length of Event: 1 hour
Details/Specifics of Change: ESPC network engineers will be performing communications maintenance at the Edge of the ESPC network. This will impact NCWCP-NSOF communications for ESPC. Those communications will be disrupted for less than one minute. MSL will not be affected during this activity. If unexpected issue(s) arise, the outage may extend to between 10 and 20 minutes. The maintenance window of one hour includes post update verification and observation. This work is not expected to affect ESPDS PDA/NDE processing.
Contact Information for Further Information:ESPC Operations atESPCOperations@noaa.govand 301-817-3880.
Web Site(s) for applicable information:N/A
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