Topic: Visible calibration update for month of October 2019 Date/Time Issued: October 08, 2019 1321Z Product(s) or Data Impacted: All products from channels 1, 2, and 3a Date/Time of Initial Impact: October 08, 2019 1132Z Date/Time of Expected End: Until Next Month's Coefficient Update Length of Outage: N/A Details/Specifics of Change: On October 08, 2019 at approximately 11:32 UTC, the following update of the calibration coefficients was implemented in the level 1B processing for NOAA-18, NOAA-19, MetOp-A/2, MetOp-B/1, and MetOp-C/3 for the month of October. These coefficients are intended to be optimal on October 26, in the middle of the two scheduled updates. Metop-B/1 Ch_1_lo = 0.05676*count - 2.236, count<500.62 Ch_1_hi = 0.1682*count - 58.01, count>500.62 Ch_2_lo = 0.06358*count - 2.567, count<503.00 Ch_2_hi = 0.1873*count - 64.79, count>503.00 Ch_3_lo = 0.03268*count - 1.373, count<500.85 Ch_3_hi = 0.2276*count - 99.00, count>500.85 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Metop-A/2 Ch_1_lo = 0.05667*count - 2.291, count<501.01 Ch_1_hi = 0.1675*count - 57.80, count>501.01 Ch_2_lo = 0.07073*count - 2.811, count<500.42 Ch_2_hi = 0.2101*count - 72.54, count>500.42 Ch_3_lo = 0.03473*count - 1.427, count<501.94 Ch_3_hi = 0.2412*count - 105.06, count>501.94 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Metop-C/3 Ch_1_lo = 0.05455*count - 2.202, count<498.68 Ch_1_hi = 0.1598*count - 54.71, count>498.68 Ch_2_lo = 0.06317*count - 2.587, count<500.01 Ch_2_hi = 0.1851*count - 63.54, count>500.01 Ch_3_lo = 0.03180*count - 1.290, count<498.72 Ch_3_hi = 0.2237*count - 97.00, count>498.72 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOAA-18 AVHRR Ch_1_lo = 0.06237*count - 2.459, count<501.54 Ch_1_hi = 0.1860*count - 63.95, count>501.54 Ch_2_lo = 0.07382*count - 2.908, count<500.40 Ch_2_hi = 0.2215*count - 77.17, count>500.40 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOAA-19 AVHRR Ch_1_lo = 0.05486*count - 2.133, count<496.43 Ch_1_hi = 0.1618*count - 55.63, count>496.43 Ch_2_lo = 0.06461*count - 2.506, count<500.37 Ch_2_hi = 0.1925*count - 66.44, count>500.37 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The first 1b files produced with the updated CPIDS were: NSS.HRPT.NN.D19281.S1221.E1230.B7413030.WI NSS.GHRR.NN.D19281.S1017.E1213.B7412930.WI NSS.HRPT.NP.D19281.S1200.E1213.B5496969.WI NSS.GHRR.NP.D19281.S1006.E1159.B5496869.WI For M3, M2 & M1 the first orbits processed will be the one running after orbit: NSS.HRPT.M1.D19281.S0850.E0901.B3660707.GC NSS.FRAC.M1.D19281.S0951.E1048.B3660708.SV NSS.HRPT.M2.D19281.S0545.E0549.B6729292.MO NSS.FRAC.M2.D19281.S0751.E0934.B6729394.SV NSS.HRPT.M3.D19281.S0816.E0828.B0476464.GC NSS.FRAC.M3.D19281.S0833.E1014.B0476465.SV Contact Person(s) Name/Email/Phone Number for Questions: Dejiang.Han <> 301-817-4119 operations support Xiangqian Wu <> 301-683-3601 instrument scientist Web site(s) that contain other relevant information (where applicable): - History of level 1B notices - All user notices - SOCC polar satellite status Contact Information for Further Information: ESPC Operations at at 301-817-3880 This message was sent from You have been sent this and other notifications because you have opted in to receive it. If for any reason, you wish to unsubscribe, please contact ESPC Help Desk at or (301) 817-3880. Please note: it make take up to two business days to process your unsubscribe request.