Update #1: Jason-2 was placed in safe mode on October 9 and the power systems were de-energized on October 10 at 1625 UTC as part of end of mission activity.M-B Additional information regarding Jason-2, including the joint partner press release can be found at: https://presse.cnes.fr/en/jason-2-altimetry-satellite-decommissioned-after-more-11-years-ocean-monitoring

Topic: End of Jason-2 MissionM-B October 1, 2019

Date Issued: Issued October 10, 2019 1820Z

Product(s) or Data Impacted: All Jason-2 Geophysical Data Records (OGDRs, IGDRs, GDRs)

Date/Time of Initial Impact: October 1 at 06:48 Z

Date/Time of Expected End:M-BNone

Length of Event:M-BPermanent

Details/Specifics of Change:M-B

After more than 11 years in orbit and well beyond its three- to five-year mission baseline, the Ocean Surface Topography Mission (OSTM) on Jason-2 will permanently cease acquisition of scientific data at 06:48 UTC on 1 October 2019 due to aging-related issues onboard the spacecraft.M-B Approximately three hours later, the final pass 147 for science cycle 644 will be produced as an OGDR product and disseminated to operational users. IGDR production will cease about 2.5 days later, GDR production approximately 2 months later. Additional information regarding the OSTM/Jason-2 mission will follow in the coming days in the form of a joint press release from CNES, NASA/JPL, NOAA, and EUMETSAT.


The operation of the Jason-3 reference mission remains nominal and its continued data production will not be affected in any way.M-B

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Contact Information for Further Information:

David Donahue

Satellite Services Division


(301) 683-3236
