Topic: Added Latency to some Jason-3 OGDRs December 9, 10, and 11, 2019

Date Issued: December 9, 2019 1925Z

Product(s) or Data Impacted: Jason-3 Operational Geophysical Data Records (OGDRs)

Date/Time of Initial Impact: December 9, 2019 1600Z

Date/Time of Expected End: December 11, 2019 2100Z

Length of Event: 53 hours

Details/Specifics of Change: Fairbanks CDA Power Maintenance is scheduled December 9 16:00z to December 11 21:00z with possible skipped revs shown below

o December 9: 18212, 18213 (Blind period: 15:25z to 20:16z)
o December 10: 18224, 18225, 18226 (Blind period: 14:07z to 20:37z)
o December 11: 18237, 18238, 18239 (Blind period: 14:28z to 20:58z)

As these passes will not be taken at Fairbanks or Barrow, additional latency can be expected.

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Contact Information for Further Information:

David Donahue
Satellite Services Division
(301) 683-3236
