Topic:M-BGOES-16 Fire Hot Spot products delivered to PDA
Date/Time Issued: December 11, 2019 0042Z
Product or Data Impacted:M-BGOES-16 Fire Hot Spot products Full Disk delivered to PDA.
Date/Time of Initial Impact: December 10, 2019 2120Z
Date/Time of Expected End: December 10, 2019M-B2250Z
Length of the Outage/Event: 1 Hour, 30 Mins
Details/Specifics of Change:M-BGOES-16 Fire Hot Spot products Full Disk delivered to PDA. There is a known issue involving a computation relating to sun angle in the FHS code which causes processing to fall behind in certain blocks at certain times of day. The science team is working on a fix which will be deployed early next year. This issue manifests as missing blocks that can be seen in the DQF information of the product. This issue is intermittent but generally occurs around 2100z and generally lasts for 30 minutes to 2 hours.
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