Update #1:M-B
Nominal production and distribution of GOES-16 Volcanic Ash full disk
products returned at 1420Z on December 22, 2019.M-B Products were
intermittently degraded for 6 hours 50 minutes.M-BM-B
Topic:M-B Intermittent degradation of GOES-16 Volcanic Ash full disk products and their distribution to PDA.M-B
Date/Time Issued:M-B December 22, 2019 / 1535Z
Product(s) or Data Impacted: M-BGOES-16 Volcanic Ash full disk products and their distribution to PDA
Date/Time of Initial Impact:M-B December 22, 2019 / 0730Z
Date/Time of Expected End:M-B December 22, 2019 / 1420Z M-B
Length of Event:M-B 6 hours 50 minutes.M-B
Details/Specifics of Change:M-B Intermittent degradation
(missing sections of images west of South America) of GOES-16 Volcanic
Ash full disk products and their distribution to PDA due to an anomaly.M-B