Topic: Advance notice for ESPDS PDA/NDE Maintenance at the CBU and NSOF sites WILL cause a COMPLETE outage of the respective site for an estimated 3 hours.

Date/Time Issued:March 26, 2019 1221Z

Product(s) or Data Impacted: All products being ingested and disseminated from the scheduled CBU or NSOF site will be affected on the scheduled date.

Date/Time of Initial Impact CBU: April 08, 2019 1300Z

Date/Time of Expected End CBU: April 08, 2019 1600Z

Date/Time of Initial Impact NSOF: April 15, 2019 1300Z

Date/Time of Expected End NSOF: April 15, 2019 1600Z

Length of Event: 3 hours for each site

Details/Specifics of Change: The PDA/NDE environments at CBU and NSOF will be undergoing critical storage maintenance. During this activity there will be a complete outage of service for an estimated three hours at each site. The impact to product distribution during the April 08, 2019 CBU maintenance will be much less significant as this is the backup site. During the NSOF maintenance to the Operational environment on April 15, 2019 the scenario will be the same. A complete outage of the NDE and PDA environments will occur for an estimated three hours during the times above. Schedule impacts for Critical Weather days will be evaluated on a case by case basis and may result in a day for day slip. Updates will be provided for any changes in schedule or duration.

Contact Information for Further Information: ESPC Operations at and 301-817-3880.

Web Site(s) for applicable information: N/A

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