Topic: NOAA-20 VIIRS Lunar Calibration Roll Maneuver Scheduled for April 15, 2019

Date/Time Issued: April 12, 2019 1645Z

Product(s) or Data Impacted: All NOAA-20 Sensor Data

Date/Time of Initial Impact: April 15, 2019 1535Z

Date/Time of Expected End: April 15, 2019 1631Z

Length of Outage: See Details.

Details/Specifics of change: On April 15, 2019, NOAA-20 will perform a spacecraft attitude maneuver for the VIIRS Lunar Calibration, with a roll of -1.37 degrees centered at 15:58:28 Z. Science data may be impacted while the spacecraft is pointing off-nadir during the attitude maneuver and the CERES instrument will not provide nominal science data as it will placed in a contamination safe mode. The timeline of events for this maneuver are provided below.

The following observatory systems will be affected:

15:35:28Z - 16:31:28 Z CERES will be in Contam-Safe, science data will not be available
15:54:57Z - 16:01:57 Z VIIRS encoder offset and gain will be set for Moon observation
15:55:28Z - 16:01:28 Z NOAA-20 will be pointing off-nadir, collected data may be impacted and not disseminated

Contact Information for Further Information: ESPC Operations at at (301)817-3880.

Web Site(s) for applicable information: See for this and other satellite related messages.

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