Topic:M-B Weekly Operations Schedule - Week 08

Date/Time Issued: February 13, 2020 1637Z

Product(s) or Data Impacted:M-B See list below.

Date/Time of Initial Impact:M-B February 13, 2020 16:12ZM-B (from the Eumetsat Weekly Operations Schedule message)

Date/Time of Expected End:M-B See table in detail for on and off switch time M-B

Length of Outage:M-B

Details/Specifics of Change:

Message number: 6668
Message creation: Thu Feb 13 16:12:30 GMT+00:00 2020

Type: Service Enhancement
Ann Nr: 4920
Rev: 1
Start Time: 2019-06-27 09:00:00.0
End Time: 2019-06-27 09:00:00.0
Subject: general-announcement
Detail: There is an issue with the latest EUMETCast software package, affecting Linux operating systems when the Tellicast client software (version 2.14.5) is used in combination with the Safenet drivers. A new alpha version of Tellicast, with a fix of the issue, is available for download. See the URL provided below.
Issue Time: 2019-06-27 11:18:18.0

Type: Planned Maintenance
Ann Nr: 5355
Rev: 1
Start Time: 2019-11-14 00:00:00.0
End Time: 2020-04-15 00:00:00.0
Satellites: Metop-A
Subsystem: GOME-2
Subject: general-announcement
Impact: data-degraded
Detail: The Metop-A satellite with GOME-2 on-board is currently in drifting orbit. As a consequence there are periods during which the GOME-2 instrument is not able to carry out its daily solar calibration measurement. The third such period will be from 14 November 2019 to 14 April 2020. During this period, the solar mean reference spectrum provided in the Metop-A GOME-2 level-1B product will be automatically replaced by a modelled solar spectrum using information on solar activity from Metop-B. Therefore, it is expected that the quality of both level-1B and level-2 products might undergo slight changes during this period, and there will be an associated risk of degraded product quality for Metop-A GOME-2 products.
Status: scheduled
Issue Time: 2020-01-10 07:39:08.0
Services: GOME-2 Level 1 - Metop-A
AC SAF - Products

Type: Planned Maintenance
Ann Nr: 5402
Rev: 2
Start Time: 2019-12-04 14:00:00.0
End Time: 2020-02-19 14:00:00.0
Satellites: Metop-C
Subject: general-announcement
Impact: data-degraded
Detail: Drift to a new orbital position. During this period, Metop-C will not be following the reference orbit, with a drifting ground track and phase with respect to Metop-B. Some instrument products may be degraded. A small impact on the number and quality of AVHRR wind products might be observed during this period. [Rev. 2]: End date updated.
Status: scheduled
Issue Time: 2020-01-31 07:55:07.0
Services: AVHRR Level 1 - Metop-C
AMSU-A Level 1 - Metop-C
IASI Sounding products- Metop-C
SEM L0 - Metop-C
MHS Level 1 - Metop-C
Multi-sensor Products - Metop-C
IASI Level 1 - Metop-C

Type: Planned Maintenance
Ann Nr: 5475
Rev: 2
Start Time: 2020-01-06 00:00:00.0
End Time: 2020-04-01 00:00:00.0
Satellites: Metop-A
Subsystem: ASCAT
Subject: general-announcement
Impact: risk-of-interruption
Detail: Calibrations to support transponder test. Outages of products can be expected, during satellite passes over Turkey. [Rev. 2] End date updated.
Status: scheduled
Issue Time: 2020-02-10 14:53:52.0
Services: ASCAT Level 1 - Metop-A
ASCAT Soil Moisture - Metop-A

Type: Planned Maintenance
Ann Nr: 5596
Rev: 1
Start Time: 2020-01-29 00:00:00.0
End Time: 2021-12-31 23:59:00.0
Satellites: Metop-A
Subsystem: HRPT
Subject: general-announcement
Impact: data-unavailable
Detail: HRPT switching zone drift. Risk of interruption. The Metop-A satellite is currently in drifting orbit. As a consequence the geographical zones, defined to control the switching times of the satellite HRPT system, are drifting westwards at a rate of 0.02 degree per day. Users near the borders of switching zones might experience small changes in their acquisition times of the HRPT signal. On-board timings will be updated approximately every 8 months to compensate for the drift geolocation. A dedicated announcement will be issued in advance of each of these updates.
Status: scheduled
Issue Time: 2020-02-03 10:12:03.0
Services: A-DCS AHRPT Metop-A

Type: Planned Maintenance
Ann Nr: 5600
Rev: 1
Start Time: 2020-01-30 08:00:00.0
Subject: ground-segment-maintenance
Impact: risk-of-interruption
Detail: Due to system maintenance, the SARAL service is in a risk-state and product degradation or losses can be expected, until further notice. This is affecting all SARAL products distributed on EUMETCast.
Status: scheduled
Issue Time: 2020-01-30 16:16:27.0
Services: SARAL Products

Type: Service Enhancement
Ann Nr: 5470
Rev: 2
Start Time: 2020-01-31 16:00:00.0
End Time: 2020-03-02 16:00:00.0
Subject: service-change
Detail: NOAA plans to terminate the GOES-15 Imager service on 31 January 2020. The GOES-15 Imager L1b data in netCDF format provided by EUMETSAT will stop being distributed on EUMETCast at the same time. [Rev. 2]: End date updated. NOAA has announced an extension of the GOES-15 imager service to 2 March 2020. The provision by EUMETSAT of GOES-15 L1b data in netCDF will continue until then.
Status: scheduled
Issue Time: 2020-01-30 10:17:31.0
Services: GOES Products

Type: Planned Maintenance
Ann Nr: 5580
Rev: 2
Start Time: 2020-02-03 09:00:00.0
End Time: 2020-02-03 17:00:00.0
Subject: ground-segment-maintenance
Impact: data-unavailable
Detail: IASI Level 2 Patch installation V6.5.9 and System upgrade. Correction of two anomalies detected on the IASI L2 V 6.5 which is operational since the 4th December 2019: - Cloud: cloud top temperature values were sometimes incorrectly supplied although no clouds could actually be retrieved. All cloud parameters are now reset to NaN in the absence of a cloud retrieval. - SO2: Information about missing input IASI data were not copied into the SO2 quality flag, which was also preventing the use of forecast data instead of IASI L2 profiles when those were of degraded quality. The correct processing and flagging have been restored. Please note that an outage of up to 8 hours during working hours might be encountered. [Rev. 2] The maintenance is postponed to a future date.
Status: scheduled
Issue Time: 2020-02-03 17:14:15.0
Services: IASI Sounding Products - Metop-A
IASI Sounding products- Metop-C
IASI Sounding Products - Metop-B

Type: Planned Maintenance
Ann Nr: 5582
Rev: 1
Start Time: 2020-02-06 08:45:00.0
End Time: 2020-02-18 09:45:00.0
Satellites: MET-8
Subject: Sun-colinearity
Impact: risk-of-degradation
Detail: Sun Co-linearity. Repeat cycles 08:45 to 09:45 may be affected.
Status: scheduled
Issue Time: 2020-01-29 15:43:52.0
Services: IODC SEVIRI Level 1.5 Image Data
IODC Meteosat Meteorological Products

Type: Planned Maintenance
Ann Nr: 5566
Rev: 1
Start Time: 2020-02-07 20:30:00.0
End Time: 2020-03-30 20:30:00.0
Satellites: MET-8
Subject: eclipse-season
Impact: risk-of-degradation
Detail: There is a risk of degraded image quality every night from 20:30 to 23:00 in the given time period.
Status: scheduled
Issue Time: 2020-01-22 16:24:40.0
Services: IODC SEVIRI Level 1.5 Image Data
IODC Meteosat Meteorological Products

Type: Planned Maintenance
Ann Nr: 5574
Rev: 2
Start Time: 2020-02-12 09:00:00.0
End Time: 2020-02-12 17:00:00.0
Satellites: Metop-A,Metop-B,Metop-C
Subsystem: GRAS
Subject: ground-segment-maintenance
Impact: risk-of-interruption
Detail: Software Release of GRAS PPF. Changes to the GRAS Level 1 product algorithms. The algorithm changes include technical improvements and bug fixes, as well as support to the changed data formats of the auxiliary files provided by the Radio Occultation Support Network (RSN). This message refers to the second phase of the deployment which will use the changed RSN auxiliary files (after a first phase planned to take place on 04 February 2020). [Rev. 2] The second phase of the deployment will no longer take place on 12 February 2020, it is postponed to a future date.
Status: scheduled
Issue Time: 2020-02-05 16:36:56.0
Services: GRAS Level 1 - Metop-A
GRAS Level 1 - Metop-B
GRAS Level 1 - Metop-C

Type: Planned Maintenance
Ann Nr: 5646
Rev: 1
Start Time: 2020-02-17 04:50:00.0
End Time: 2020-02-17 08:50:00.0
Satellites: Metop-A
Subsystem: IASI
Subject: instrument-calibration
Impact: data-unavailable
Detail: External Calibration
Status: scheduled
Issue Time: 2020-02-12 14:40:20.0
Services: IASI Level 1 - Metop-A
IASI Sounding Products - Metop-A
OSI SAF - Products

Type: Planned Maintenance
Ann Nr: 5632
Rev: 1
Start Time: 2020-02-17 12:59:00.0
End Time: 2020-02-17 17:22:00.0
Satellites: Sentinel-3A
Subsystem: OLCI
Subject: instrument-special-operation
Impact: risk-of-delay
Detail: As a result of a Twilight Test to be performed, additional OLCI scientific data will be generated during the following sensing times: 12:59.41 - 13:39.06; 14:40.40 - 15:40.05 and 16:21.39 - 17:21.04. This operation might have an impact on the production of all S3A products.
Status: scheduled
Issue Time: 2020-02-06 09:03:25.0
Services: OLCI Level 1 Products - S3A
OLCI Level 2 Marine Products - S3A
SLSTR Level 1 Products - S3A
SLSTR Level 2 Marine Products - S3A
SRAL Level 1 Products - S3A
SRAL Level 2 Marine Products - S3A

Type: Planned Maintenance
Ann Nr: 5647
Rev: 1
Start Time: 2020-02-17 13:49:00.0
End Time: 2020-02-17 13:55:00.0
Satellites: Metop-A
Subsystem: ASCAT
Subject: instrument-calibration
Impact: data-unavailable
Detail: Gain Compression
Status: scheduled
Issue Time: 2020-02-12 14:42:48.0
Services: ASCAT Level 1 - Metop-A
ASCAT Soil Moisture - Metop-A
OSI SAF - Products

Type: Planned Maintenance
Ann Nr: 5645
Rev: 1
Start Time: 2020-02-18 08:12:00.0
End Time: 2020-02-18 08:19:00.0
Satellites: Metop-A
Subsystem: SEM
Component: MEPED
Subject: instrument-calibration
Impact: data-unavailable
Detail: SEM MEPED in flight calibration.
Status: scheduled
Issue Time: 2020-02-12 14:38:16.0
Services: SEM L0 - Metop-A

Type: Planned Maintenance
Ann Nr: 5651
Rev: 1
Start Time: 2020-02-18 08:39:00.0
End Time: 2020-02-18 08:46:00.0
Satellites: Metop-C
Subsystem: SEM
Component: MEPED
Subject: instrument-calibration
Impact: data-unavailable
Detail: SEM MEPED in flight calibration.
Status: scheduled
Issue Time: 2020-02-12 14:48:40.0
Services: SEM L0 - Metop-C

Type: Planned Maintenance
Ann Nr: 5652
Rev: 1
Start Time: 2020-02-18 08:39:00.0
End Time: 2020-02-18 10:22:00.0
Satellites: Metop-C
Subsystem: SEM
Component: TED
Subject: instrument-calibration
Impact: data-unavailable
Detail: SEM TED in flight calibration.
Status: scheduled
Issue Time: 2020-02-12 14:49:12.0
Services: SEM L0 - Metop-C

Type: Planned Maintenance
Ann Nr: 5650
Rev: 1
Start Time: 2020-02-18 09:27:00.0
End Time: 2020-02-18 09:34:00.0
Satellites: Metop-B
Subsystem: SEM
Component: MEPED
Subject: instrument-calibration
Impact: data-unavailable
Detail: SEM MEPED in flight calibration.
Status: scheduled
Issue Time: 2020-02-12 14:46:12.0
Services: SEM L0 - Metop-B

Type: Planned Maintenance
Ann Nr: 5654
Rev: 1
Start Time: 2020-02-18 15:00:00.0
End Time: 2020-02-18 17:00:00.0
Satellites: Himawari-8
Subject: in-plane-manoeuvre
Impact: data-unavailable
Detail: Maintenance of Himawari-8 satellite is scheduled from 15:00 UTC to 16:50 UTC on 18 February 2020 (Observation ID : P091 - P101). Thus Himawari imagery will not be available via HimawariCloud during the period.
Status: scheduled
Issue Time: 2020-02-12 15:07:15.0
Services: Himawari Products

Type: Planned Maintenance
Ann Nr: 5644
Rev: 1
Start Time: 2020-02-18 18:28:00.0
End Time: 2020-02-18 18:29:00.0
Satellites: MET-8
Subject: in-plane-manoeuvre
Impact: data-degraded
Detail: East-West Station Keeping Manoeuvre. Users may experience degraded image quality and degraded meteorological product quality up to a few hours after the manoeuvre.
Status: scheduled
Issue Time: 2020-02-12 14:36:45.0
Services: IODC SEVIRI Level 1.5 Image Data
IODC Meteosat Meteorological Products

Type: Planned Maintenance
Ann Nr: 5572
Rev: 2
Start Time: 2020-02-19 12:22:00.0
End Time: 2020-02-19 12:23:00.0
Satellites: Metop-C
Subject: in-plane-manoeuvre
Detail: Drift stop manoeuvre. Some instrument data will be unavailable or degraded during this period.The exact burn time and instrument affected outage will be announced closer to the day of the manoeuvre. Reduced data quality should be expected for data sensed during this period. [Rev. 2]: Manoeuvre Execution time updated. Burn time: 12:22:22 UTC. Duration: 10.520 seconds.
Status: scheduled
Issue Time: 2020-02-12 14:56:55.0
Services: SEM L0 - Metop-C
AMSU-A Level 1 - Metop-C
MHS Level 1 - Metop-C
AVHRR Level 1 - Metop-C
IASI Sounding products- Metop-C
Multi-sensor Products - Metop-C
IASI Level 1 - Metop-C

Type: Planned Maintenance
Ann Nr: 5656
Rev: 1
Start Time: 2020-02-19 18:00:00.0
End Time: 2020-02-20 20:00:00.0
Satellites: GOES17
Subject: general-announcement
Impact: risk-of-interruption
Detail: NOAA will conduct a GOES-West ABI Cooling Timeline test from 19th M-bM-^@M-^S 20th of February, both days between 18:00 to 20:00 UTC. During this test phase GOES-17 operations mode will change from MODE 6 to MODE 3, there will be a temporary filename change of GOES-17 ABI L1B products in the indicated time frame. Filenames will start with M-bM-^@M-^XOR_ABI-L1b-RadF-M3C02_G17_M-bM-^@M-^Y instead of M-bM-^@M-^XOR_ABI-L1b-RadF-M6C02_G17_M-bM-^@M-^Y. During the 2-hour test periods 15 minute full disk scan will be available per 30 minute cycle with following timestamps (HH:MM) in the filename: 1800, 1830, 1900, 1930 UTC with Mode 6 resuming at 20:00 UTC. There is a risk of missing or degraded data during this time period.
Status: scheduled
Issue Time: 2020-02-13 15:42:28.0
Services: GOES Products

Type: Service Enhancement
Ann Nr: 5619
Rev: 1
Start Time: 2020-02-20 09:00:00.0
End Time: 2020-02-20 09:00:00.0
Subject: new-product
Detail: The AC SAF Metop-C GOME-2 Near Real-Time Total Column product to be available on EUMETCast. For full details, see the URL provided below.
Status: scheduled
Issue Time: 2020-02-05 12:25:55.0
Services: AC SAF - Products

Type: Service Enhancement
Ann Nr: 5620
Rev: 1
Start Time: 2020-02-20 09:00:00.0
End Time: 2020-02-20 09:00:00.0
Subject: new-product
Detail: A new precipitation product from the H SAF, H18, to be available on EUMETCast. For full details, see the URL provided below.
Status: scheduled
Issue Time: 2020-02-05 12:28:53.0
Services: H-SAF - Products

Type: Planned Maintenance
Ann Nr: 5648
Rev: 1
Start Time: 2020-02-23 18:17:00.0
End Time: 2020-02-23 19:16:00.0
Satellites: Metop-A
Subsystem: GOME-2
Subject: instrument-calibration
Impact: data-unavailable
Detail: GOME2 monthly measurements of GOME-2 polarisation (PMD) data in raw readout mode (PMDRAW). The AC SAF Near Real Time Total Column products (Total Column Ozone, the Total Column NO2, and the Tropospheric NO2) will be unavailable.
Status: scheduled
Issue Time: 2020-02-12 14:44:01.0
Services: GOME-2 Level 1 - Metop-A
AC SAF - Products

Type: Planned Maintenance
Ann Nr: 5653
Rev: 1
Start Time: 2020-02-23 19:15:00.0
End Time: 2020-02-23 20:14:00.0
Satellites: Metop-C
Subsystem: GOME-2
Subject: instrument-calibration
Impact: data-unavailable
Detail: GOME2 monthly measurements of GOME-2 polarisation (PMD) data in raw readout mode (PMDRAW). The AC SAF Near Real Time Total Column products (Total Column Ozone, the Total Column NO2, and the Tropospheric NO2) will be unavailable.
Status: scheduled
Issue Time: 2020-02-12 14:50:09.0
Services: GOME-2 Level 1 - Metop-C
AC SAF - Products

Type: Planned Maintenance
Ann Nr: 5649
Rev: 1
Start Time: 2020-02-23 19:44:00.0
End Time: 2020-02-23 20:43:00.0
Satellites: Metop-B
Subsystem: GOME-2
Subject: instrument-calibration
Impact: data-unavailable
Detail: GOME2 monthly measurements of GOME-2 polarisation (PMD) data in raw readout mode (PMDRAW). The AC SAF Near Real Time Total Column products (Total Column Ozone, the Total Column NO2, and the Tropospheric NO2) will be unavailable.
Status: scheduled
Issue Time: 2020-02-12 14:45:05.0
Services: GOME-2 Level 1 - Metop-B
AC SAF - Products

Type: Planned Maintenance
Ann Nr: 5567
Rev: 1
Start Time: 2020-02-24 22:30:00.0
End Time: 2020-04-13 01:00:00.0
Satellites: MET-10
Subject: eclipse-season
Impact: risk-of-degradation
Detail: There is a risk of degraded image quality every night from 22:30 to 01:00 next day in the given time period.
Status: scheduled
Issue Time: 2020-01-22 16:27:24.0
Services: RSS SEVIRI Level 1.5 Image Data
RSS Meteosat Meteorological Products

Type: Service Enhancement
Ann Nr: 5637
Rev: 1
Start Time: 2020-02-25 09:00:00.0
End Time: 2020-02-25 09:00:00.0
Subject: product-change
Detail: Change to processing standards of SARAL/AltiKa Operational Geophysical Data Records (OGDR). For full details, see the URL provided below.
Status: scheduled
Issue Time: 2020-02-07 14:24:06.0
Services: SARAL Products

Type: Planned Maintenance
Ann Nr: 5583
Rev: 1
Start Time: 2020-02-25 11:15:00.0
End Time: 2020-03-07 12:15:00.0
Satellites: MET-10
Subject: Sun-colinearity
Impact: risk-of-interruption
Detail: Sun Co-linearity. Repeat cycles 11:15 to 12:15 may be affected.
Status: scheduled
Issue Time: 2020-01-29 15:48:45.0
Services: RSS Meteosat Meteorological Products
RSS SEVIRI Level 1.5 Image Data

Type: Planned Maintenance
Ann Nr: 5591
Rev: 1
Start Time: 2020-02-26 09:00:00.0
End Time: 2020-03-02 09:00:00.0
Satellites: Metop-C
Subsystem: IASI
Subject: instrument-decontamination
Impact: data-unavailable
Detail: IASI Decontamination.
Status: scheduled
Issue Time: 2020-01-29 16:18:53.0
Services: IASI Sounding products- Metop-C
IASI Level 1 - Metop-C
OSI SAF - Products

Type: Planned Maintenance
Ann Nr: 5568
Rev: 1
Start Time: 2020-02-27 23:00:00.0
End Time: 2020-04-12 01:30:00.0
Satellites: MET-11
Subject: eclipse-season
Impact: risk-of-degradation
Detail: There is a risk of degraded image quality every night from 23:00 to 01:30 next day in the given time period
Status: scheduled
Issue Time: 2020-01-22 16:29:43.0
Services: 0M-BM-0 SEVIRI Level 1.5 Image Data
0M-BM-0 Meteosat Meteorological Products

Type: Service Enhancement
Ann Nr: 5655
Rev: 1
Start Time: 2020-02-28 09:00:00.0
End Time: 2020-02-28 09:00:00.0
Subject: general-announcement
Detail: BDMS and CSIR products, distributed in the frame of AMESD/MESA, will be discontinued. These products will no longer be generated by the data providers.
Status: scheduled
Issue Time: 2020-02-13 09:55:47.0
Services: Misc
AMESD Products

Type: Planned Maintenance
Ann Nr: 5584
Rev: 1
Start Time: 2020-02-28 12:00:00.0
End Time: 2020-03-09 13:00:00.0
Satellites: MET-11
Subject: Sun-colinearity
Impact: risk-of-degradation
Detail: Sun Co-linearity. Repeat cycles 12:00 to 13:00 may be affected.
Status: scheduled
Issue Time: 2020-01-29 15:51:07.0
Services: 0M-BM-0 SEVIRI Level 1.5 Image Data
0M-BM-0 Meteosat Meteorological Products

Type: Service Enhancement
Ann Nr: 5421
Rev: 1
Start Time: 2020-03-02 09:00:00.0
End Time: 2020-03-02 09:00:00.0
Subject: general-announcement
Detail: The NOAA Direct Broadcast Real-Time Network (DBRTN) data, currently distributed on EUMETCast, will be removed on 2 March 2020. For full details, see the URL provided below.
Status: scheduled
Issue Time: 2019-12-04 11:30:54.0
Services: NDB (NOAA Direct Broadcast)

Type: Service Enhancement
Ann Nr: 5159
Rev: 1
Start Time: 2020-06-01 09:00:00.0
End Time: 2020-06-01 09:00:00.0
Subject: product-change
Detail: A new BUFR encoding sequence will be introduced in June 2020 for all EUMETSATM-bM-^@M-^Ys wind products. For full details and sample files, see the URL provided below.
Status: scheduled
Issue Time: 2019-09-11 16:22:14.0
Services: 0M-BM-0 Meteosat Meteorological Products
RSS Meteosat Meteorological Products
IODC Meteosat Meteorological Products
AVHRR Polar Winds - Metop-A
AVHRR Polar Winds - Metop-B
AVHRR Polar winds - Metop-C
Multi-Metop Wind Products

Address: Eumetsat-Allee 1
D-64295 Darmstadt
Telephone: +49 6151 807 3660/3770
Fax: +49 6151 807 3790

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