Update #2:
CNES will attempt another reset of the DORIS system October 29, during the following Usingen contacts:
SUSG02 pass @ 08:13Z
SUSG02 pass @ 10:11Z
SUSG02 pass @ 12:08Z
SUSG02 pass @ 14:04Z
Restart DORIS1 soft then hard if it’s necessary. If DORIS1 always in standby mode, switch to DORIS2
POSITION will be switched OFF if necessary. However POSEIDON will be ON on SUSG02 pass @14:04Z

Update #1:
CNES failed to reset the DORIS system and put Jason-3 back to operations this morning.
CNES is preparing procedures to recover DORIS measurements.
It is possible that CNES will use tomorrow’s Usingen passes to perform a hard restart of the instrument, and, if necessary, go to DORIS 2.
This is a tentative plan, to be confirmed during an internal CNES meeting today.

Topic: Jason-3 Product Outage

Date Issued: October 28, 2020  1753Z

Product(s) or Data Impacted: Jason-3 OGDRs distributed via the Products Distribution and Access (PDA) to users and the CLASS archive.      

Date/Time of Initial Impact:  October 27, 20202 13:23:48Z          

Date/Time of End: October 28, 2020 09:48:30Z

Length of Event:  TBD       


Details/Specifics of Change: Due to ongoing issues with the radio positioning DORIS system, which provides precision orbit determination, no Jason-3 operational geophysical data records (OGDRs) are currently being generated. CNES will take the 09:48:30Z pass at USG2 on October 28 to reset the instrument.  Until then, no Jason-3 OGDRs will be available.


Contact Information for Further Information:  Davis Donahue - Satellite Services Division, NOAA/NESDIS/OSPO/SPSD/SPB (301)683-3236


Web Site(s) for applicable information: N/A

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