Update #2: This activity will NOT proceed today. We will perform the activity when safely possible, the next opportunity being tomorrow, May 5, 2021.  Please see the bottom of the notification for additional details on back up dates and times.

Update #1: This activity will NOT proceed today. We will perform the activity on one of the back up days, the first opportunity being tomorrow, May 4, 2021. Please see the bottom of the notification for additional details on back up dates and times.

Topic: GOES-16 ABI/SUVI/EXIS/GLM Outage for Spacecraft Maintenance scheduled for May 3, 2021

Date/Time Issued: May 04, 2021 1506Z


Product(s) or Data Impacted: GOES-16 ABI, SUVI, EXIS, and GLM.


Date/Time of Initial Impact: May 3, 2021 2250Z


Date/Time of Expected End: May 3, 2021 2320Z


Length of Event: approximately 30 minutes


Details/Specifics of Change:

A spacecraft maintenance maneuver will be performed on GOES-16 when it can be safely performed. The first potential opportunity to perform this maneuver will occur on Monday, May 3, 2021. From 2250-2320Z on May 3, 2021, ABI, SUVI, EXIS, and GLM will experience a data outage. After the maneuver, all instruments and products will resume nominal production and distribution.


All ABI channels may experience navigation and product quality degradation for a period of time up to 30 minutes due to the Kalman filter reset.


In the event that pressure stabilization is not reached the activity may be pushed. Only one of the dates and times will be used as soon as safely possible. All possible outage periods are provided for transparency. The backup dates and times are as follows:



May 4, 2021: 1050 – 1120Z outage


May 4,  2021: 2250 – 2320Z outage




Wednesday (Times of outages have not been determined yet):

May 5, 2021: Possible start time of 0830Z


May 5, 2021: Possible start time of 2030Z 

If the activity date slips a notification update will be sent with additional detail of expected outage times.


Please note: This activity is not subject to Critical Weather Day


Contact Information for Further Information: ESPC Operations at ESPCOperations@noaa.gov or 301-817-3880


Web Site(s) for applicable information: See https://www.ospo.noaa.gov/Operations/messages.html for this and other satellite related messages.


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