Update #4: SNPP CrIS SDR products have been declared Provisional following the SDR Science review team approval on July 21, 2021. SNPP CrIS SDR data flow through ESPC will resume on July 22, 2021 at 1400 UTC. The following three IDPS products will resume: CrIS-FS-SDR, CrIS-SDR-GEO, and CRIS-SCIENCE-RDR. Additionally, the following BUFR products will resume: CrIS_C0431_BUFR and CrIS_C2211_BUFR.
Update #3: The SNPP CrIS Side Switch Activities have been successfully completed and the Side-1 LWIR and SWIR bands are functional, while the MWIR band is non-operational. The SNPP CrIS SDR products will be declared Provisional on Wednesday July 21, 2021 following the SDR Science review team approval. EDRs will be available once validated by the science team.
Update #2: Day 2 activities have been completed as planned. Remaining activities are on schedule to be completed on July 14th.
Update #1: Day 1 commanding activities have been completed as planned. The remaining activities are on schedule to be conducted on July 13-14, 2021 as outlined in the original notification.
Topic: CrIS on SNPP switch to side 1 on July 12 2021
Date/Time Issued: July 21, 2021 1900 UTC
Product(s) or Data Impacted: All NPP CrIS products
Date/Time of Initial Impact: July 12, 2021 1107 UTC
Date/Time of Expected End: July 14, 2021 at 1749 UTC (planned)
Length of Outage: ~54 hours (planned)
Details/Specifics of Change:
CrIS on SNPP had an anomaly on May 21, 2021 which resulted in the loss of longwave infrared IR) (LW) channels - only the shortwave (SW) and midwave (MW) CrIS IR spectrum portion has been available since the anomaly occurred. A switch to the Side-1 electronics is scheduled to occur starting on July 12, 2021, since Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) centers and the NUCAPS/HEAP EDR processing utilize more of the CrIS LW IR spectrum. There is a high probability that both the SWIR and the LWIR bands are functional after switching to Side-1 electronics; however, the MWIR band will not be available, as it failed back in 2019.
OSPO satellite engineering and operations will switch the S-NPP CrIS sensor to the Side-1 electronics beginning on July 12, 2021 at 1107 UTC and completing on July 14, 2021 at 1749 UTC. During that process, no CrIS data from SNPP will be available. After the sensor side switch is completed, Calibration/Validation efforts will be initiated by the NESDIS/STAR CrIS SDR Algorithm Calibration/Validation Science Team to ensure the SNPP CrIS calibrated data is at the highest quality and meets the JPSS maturity levels.
After the side switch occurs, SNPP CrIS data will only be available from CLASS and GRAVITE. These data will be suspended from NDE/PDA until cleared by the calibration/validation science team.
Contact Information for Further Information: ESPC Operations at ESPCOperations@noaa.gov at 301-817-3880 and SPSD.Userservices@noaa.gov
Web Site(s) for applicable information: N/A
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