**Update 1**; The JPSS CGS NSOF IDMZ external services & interface are now available and functional. All external users are should have updated products, reports , files/plots, TLE’s etc..
Resolution Info; On 727 ~ 4pm ET , the JPSS NSOF IDMZ firewall has been “temporarily” reverted back to the MacAfee Enterprise device. More to come on path forward for re-instating The new Forcepoint device.
Topic: JPSS CGS NSOF IDMZ external interface products, reports , files/plots currently not available to external users , following C3S string transition from CBU to NSOF on 7/23/21 ~ 14:00 GMT
Date/Time Issued: July 27, 2021 2200Z
Product(s) or Data Impacted: Sensor/Spacecraft plots/files and other JPSS CGS reports & files currently not available on IMDZ.
Requested Center Point:
Date/Time Initial Impact: July 23, 2021 1400Z J/Day 204
Date/Time of Expected End: July 27, 2021 2000Z J/Day 208.
Length of Event: 4 days
Requester: JPSS CGS Mission Support Team
Priority: High
Details/Specifics of Change: Raytheon Infrastructure team is working to restore JPSS External Interface functionality
Contact Information for Further Information: ESPC Operations at ESPCOperations@noaa.gov and 301-817-3880
Web Site(s) for applicable information: N/A
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