Topic: Global Hydro Estimator outage
Date/Time Issued: August 12, 2021 1947Z
Product(s) or Data Impacted: Global Hydro Estimator Instant and Hourly
Date/Time of Initial Impact: August 12, 2021 1300Z
Date/Time of Expected End: August 12, 2021 1900Z
Length of Outage: 6 hours
Details/Specifics of Change: The primary computer running GHE crashed
at about 1300Z this morning, August 12, 2021.
Operations were switched to the backup at about 1400Z, and appeared to have sent all files for the prior hour. However, an unrecognized configuration error disabled the push to PDA. That error was corrected at 1900Z, and all files dated from 1200-1845Z were re-sent. McIDAS, web, and satepsanon files were distributed on schedule.
The primary is back online, and will return to operations at about 2000Z, once it completes a data sync with the backup for its missing 6 hours.
Contact Information for Further Information: ESPC Operations at at 301-817-3880
Web Site(s) for applicable information: N/A
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