Message number: | 8186 |
Message creation: | Mon Aug 23 12:07:01 UTC 2021 |
Type: | Planned Maintenance |
Ann Nr: | 5596 |
Rev: | 1 |
Start Time: | 2020-01-29 00:00:00.0 |
End Time: | 2021-12-31 23:59:00.0 |
Satellites: | Metop-A |
Subsystem: | HRPT |
Subject: | general-announcement |
Impact: | data-unavailable |
Detail: | HRPT switching zone drift. Risk of interruption. The Metop-A satellite is currently in drifting orbit. As a consequence the geographical zones, defined to control the switching times of the satellite HRPT system, are drifting westwards at a rate of 0.02 degree per day. Users near the borders of switching zones might experience small changes in their acquisition times of the HRPT signal. On-board timings will be updated approximately every 8 months to compensate for the drift geolocation. A dedicated announcement will be issued in advance of each of these updates. |
Status: | scheduled |
Issue Time: | 2020-02-03 10:12:03.0 |
Services: |
Type: | Service Enhancement |
Ann Nr: | 6269 |
Rev: | 3 |
Subject: | service-change |
Detail: | Sentinel-3 OLCI Level-1 Full Resolution Near Real Time data will be removed from EUMETCast Satellite on 29 July 2021. Alternative services to access these data are available. For full details, see the URL provided below. [Rev. 2]: URL updated, following the launch of the new EUMETSAT website on 16 November 2020. [Rev. 3]: The removal of Sentinel-3 OLCI Level-1 Full Resolution Near Real Time data from EUMETCast Satellite, initially planned for 29 July 2021, is being deferred to a later date (likely to be during the last quarter of 2021). This is to allow more time for users to transition to alternative access services. |
Url: | |
Status: | scheduled |
Issue Time: | 2021-01-26 16:03:54.0 |
Services: |
OLCI Level 1 Products - S3A OLCI Level 1 Products - S3B |
Type: | Planned Maintenance |
Ann Nr: | 7032 |
Rev: | 3 |
Start Time: | 2021-08-01 00:00:00.0 |
End Time: | 2021-11-01 00:00:00.0 |
Satellites: | Metop-A |
Subsystem: | ASCAT |
Subject: | general-announcement |
Impact: | risk-of-interruption |
Detail: | ASCAT Extensive Calibration. Short outages of the ASCAT GDS Level 1, soil moisture and global and regional winds products can be expected, during satellite passes over Turkey. [Rev .2] Start and End date updated. [Rev.3] End date updated. |
Status: | scheduled |
Issue Time: | 2021-08-19 12:57:27.0 |
Services: |
ASCAT Level 1 - Metop-A ASCAT Soil Moisture - Metop-A |
Type: | Planned Maintenance |
Ann Nr: | 7199 |
Rev: | 2 |
Start Time: | 2021-08-06 06:00:00.0 |
End Time: | 2021-09-02 12:00:00.0 |
Satellites: | GOES-17 |
Subject: | instrument-special-operation |
Impact: | risk-of-interruption |
Detail: | NOAA will conduct a GOES-West ABI Cooling Timeline Operation from 6 August – 2 September 2021, every day from 06:00 to 12:00 UTC. During this phase, GOES-17 operations mode will change from MODE 6 to MODE 3, and this will affect the GOES-West ABI data distribution on EUMETCast. For full details, see the URL provided below. Users wishing to receive the MODE 3 data should contact our User Helpdesk at [Rev. 2] Event start date updated. |
Url: | |
Status: | scheduled |
Issue Time: | 2021-08-04 09:47:41.0 |
Services: |
GOES Products |
Type: | Planned Maintenance |
Ann Nr: | 7210 |
Rev: | 1 |
Start Time: | 2021-08-07 20:30:00.0 |
End Time: | 2021-10-01 23:00:00.0 |
Satellites: | MET-8 |
Subject: | eclipse-season |
Impact: | data-degraded |
Detail: | There is a risk of degraded image quality every night from 20:30 to 23:00 in the given time period. |
Status: | scheduled |
Issue Time: | 2021-08-03 14:51:26.0 |
Services: |
IODC SEVIRI Level 1.5 Image Data IODC Meteosat Meteorological Products |
Type: | Planned Maintenance |
Ann Nr: | 7255 |
Rev: | 1 |
Start Time: | 2021-08-23 07:00:00.0 |
End Time: | 2021-08-23 15:00:00.0 |
Impact: | risk-of-interruption |
Detail: | Data Centre Archive software installation, no impact to the archive services is expected. |
Status: | scheduled |
Issue Time: | 2021-08-19 14:24:27.0 |
Services: |
EUMETSAT Data Centre |
Type: | Planned Maintenance |
Ann Nr: | 7258 |
Rev: | 1 |
Start Time: | 2021-08-23 07:17:00.0 |
End Time: | 2021-08-26 17:06:00.0 |
Subject: | instrument-special-operation |
Impact: | data-degraded |
Detail: | The instrument will be patched to apply OLTC v6.1 on-board. The unit will operate in SAR Closed-Loop mode for the duration of the patching activity, resulting in degraded data. Outages will be experienced during mode changes and restarts and are projected as follows: 24/08/2021 08:32 to 08:34, & 16:53 to 16:55. 25/08/2021 08:10 to 08:13 & 09:49 to 10:09. |
Status: | scheduled |
Issue Time: | 2021-08-18 14:17:11.0 |
Services: |
SRAL Level 2 Marine Products - S3A SRAL Level 1 Products - S3A |
Type: | Service Enhancement |
Ann Nr: | 7247 |
Rev: | 1 |
Start Time: | 2021-08-23 09:00:00.0 |
End Time: | 2021-08-23 09:00:00.0 |
Subject: | general-announcement |
Detail: | EUMETCast Terrestrial to become an operational service. For more details, see the URL provided below. |
Url: | |
Status: | scheduled |
Issue Time: | 2021-08-18 10:59:59.0 |
Services: |
EUMETCast-Terrestrial |
Type: | Planned Maintenance |
Ann Nr: | 7246 |
Rev: | 2 |
Start Time: | 2021-08-23 10:00:00.0 |
End Time: | 2021-08-23 15:00:00.0 |
Subject: | ground-segment-maintenance |
Impact: | risk-of-interruption |
Detail: | EARS Svalbard Tunnel Migration. There may be disruption to the listed EUMETSAT based services. [REV 2] change of date. |
Status: | scheduled |
Issue Time: | 2021-08-19 11:14:59.0 |
Services: |
Type: | Planned Maintenance |
Ann Nr: | 7266 |
Rev: | 1 |
Start Time: | 2021-08-23 15:15:00.0 |
End Time: | 2021-08-23 15:21:00.0 |
Satellites: | Metop-C |
Subsystem: | ASCAT |
Subject: | instrument-calibration |
Impact: | data-unavailable |
Detail: | Gain Compression |
Status: | scheduled |
Issue Time: | 2021-08-18 11:46:18.0 |
Services: |
ASCAT Level 1 - Metop-C ASCAT Soil Moisture - Metop-C EARS-ASCAT ASCAT AHRPT Metop-C OSI SAF - Products |
Type: | Planned Maintenance |
Ann Nr: | 7268 |
Rev: | 1 |
Start Time: | 2021-08-23 19:10:00.0 |
End Time: | 2021-08-27 23:30:00.0 |
Satellites: | Metop-B |
Subject: | ground-segment-maintenance |
Impact: | data-delayed |
Detail: | McMurdo MG1 antenna monthly Maintenance. The enhanced timeliness achieved for Metop-B data through the Antarctic Data Acquisition (ADA) system will be impacted. There is a risk of high timeliness during the following maintenance periods: 23 August 1910Z-2000Z and 2230Z-2330Z, 24 August 0200Z-0300Z and 2210-2310Z, 25 August 0130Z-0230Z and 0315Z-0415Z and 2015Z-2110Z, 26 August 0115Z-0215Z, 0300Z-0400Z, 27 August 19:30Z -23:30Z. |
Status: | scheduled |
Issue Time: | 2021-08-19 14:12:02.0 |
Services: |
AVHRR Level 1 - Metop-B SEM L0 - Metop-B MHS Level 1 - Metop-B AMSU-A Level 1 - Metop-B HIRS Level 1 - Metop-B ASCAT Level 1 - Metop-B GOME-2 Level 1 - Metop-B IASI Level 1 - Metop-B ATOVS Sounding products - Metop-B GRAS Level 1 - Metop-B IASI Sounding Products - Metop-B ASCAT Soil Moisture - Metop-B Multi-Sensor Products - Metop-B AVHRR Polar Winds - Metop-B Multi-Metop Wind Products |
Type: | Planned Maintenance |
Ann Nr: | 7269 |
Rev: | 2 |
Start Time: | 2021-08-24 08:00:00.0 |
End Time: | 2021-08-24 16:00:00.0 |
Subject: | ground-segment-maintenance |
Impact: | data-delayed |
Detail: | Users will experience delays in the updates to the Data Centre Archive S6 catalogue. [REV 2] change of start time. |
Status: | scheduled |
Issue Time: | 2021-08-23 11:32:19.0 |
Services: |
EUMETSAT Data Centre |
Type: | Planned Maintenance |
Ann Nr: | 7263 |
Rev: | 1 |
Start Time: | 2021-08-24 08:45:00.0 |
End Time: | 2021-08-24 08:52:00.0 |
Satellites: | Metop-B |
Subsystem: | SEM |
Component: | MEPED |
Subject: | instrument-calibration |
Impact: | data-unavailable |
Detail: | SEM MEPED in flight calibration. |
Status: | scheduled |
Issue Time: | 2021-08-18 11:32:55.0 |
Services: |
SEM L0 - Metop-B SEM AHRPT Metop-B |
Type: | Planned Maintenance |
Ann Nr: | 7262 |
Rev: | 1 |
Start Time: | 2021-08-24 08:45:00.0 |
End Time: | 2021-08-24 10:28:00.0 |
Satellites: | Metop-B |
Subsystem: | SEM |
Component: | TED |
Subject: | instrument-calibration |
Impact: | data-unavailable |
Detail: | SEM TED in flight calibration. |
Status: | scheduled |
Issue Time: | 2021-08-18 11:30:30.0 |
Services: |
SEM L0 - Metop-B SEM AHRPT Metop-B |
Type: | Planned Maintenance |
Ann Nr: | 7254 |
Rev: | 1 |
Start Time: | 2021-08-24 09:10:00.0 |
End Time: | 2021-08-24 09:17:00.0 |
Satellites: | Metop-A |
Subsystem: | SEM |
Component: | MEPED |
Subject: | instrument-calibration |
Impact: | data-unavailable |
Detail: | SEM MEPED in flight calibration. |
Status: | scheduled |
Issue Time: | 2021-08-17 08:56:35.0 |
Services: |
SEM L0 - Metop-A SEM AHRPT Metop-A |
Type: | Planned Maintenance |
Ann Nr: | 7267 |
Rev: | 1 |
Start Time: | 2021-08-24 09:38:00.0 |
End Time: | 2021-08-24 09:45:00.0 |
Satellites: | Metop-C |
Subsystem: | SEM |
Component: | MEPED |
Subject: | instrument-calibration |
Impact: | data-unavailable |
Detail: | SEM MEPED in flight calibration. |
Status: | scheduled |
Issue Time: | 2021-08-18 11:50:02.0 |
Services: |
SEM L0 - Metop-C SEM AHRPT Metop-C |
Type: | Planned Maintenance |
Ann Nr: | 7273 |
Rev: | 1 |
Start Time: | 2021-08-25 09:00:00.0 |
End Time: | 2021-08-25 10:00:00.0 |
Subject: | ground-segment-maintenance |
Impact: | risk-of-interruption |
Detail: | Data Centre Archive database maintenance, no impact to the archive services is expected. |
Status: | scheduled |
Issue Time: | 2021-08-19 10:40:24.0 |
Services: |
EUMETSAT Data Centre |
Type: | Planned Maintenance |
Ann Nr: | 7270 |
Rev: | 1 |
Start Time: | 2021-08-26 09:50:00.0 |
End Time: | 2021-08-26 11:45:00.0 |
Satellites: | Sentinel-6A |
Subject: | instrument-maintenance |
Impact: | data-unavailable |
Detail: | POS-4 A software maintenance |
Status: | scheduled |
Issue Time: | 2021-08-19 07:48:23.0 |
Services: |
NRT Altimetry LR L2 Products - S6A |
Type: | Planned Maintenance |
Ann Nr: | 7265 |
Rev: | 1 |
Start Time: | 2021-08-26 12:52:00.0 |
End Time: | 2021-08-27 20:31:00.0 |
Satellites: | Metop-C |
Subsystem: | IASI |
Subject: | instrument-calibration |
Impact: | data-unavailable |
Detail: | External Calibration (Moon intrusion) |
Status: | scheduled |
Issue Time: | 2021-08-18 11:43:06.0 |
Services: |
IASI Sounding products- Metop-C IASI Level 1 - Metop-C EARS-IASI IASI AHRPT Metop-C OSI SAF - Products |
Type: | Planned Maintenance |
Ann Nr: | 7260 |
Rev: | 1 |
Start Time: | 2021-08-26 13:40:00.0 |
End Time: | 2021-08-27 19:41:00.0 |
Satellites: | Metop-B |
Subsystem: | IASI |
Subject: | instrument-calibration |
Impact: | data-unavailable |
Detail: | External Calibration (Moon intrusion) |
Status: | scheduled |
Issue Time: | 2021-08-18 11:22:10.0 |
Services: |
IASI Level 1 - Metop-B IASI Sounding Products - Metop-B EARS-IASI IASI AHRPT Metop-B OSI SAF - Products |
Type: | Planned Maintenance |
Ann Nr: | 7259 |
Rev: | 1 |
Start Time: | 2021-08-27 18:17:00.0 |
End Time: | 2021-08-27 19:16:00.0 |
Satellites: | Metop-A |
Subsystem: | GOME-2 |
Subject: | instrument-calibration |
Impact: | data-unavailable |
Detail: | GOME2 monthly measurements of GOME-2 polarisation (PMD) data in raw readout mode (PMDRAW). The AC SAF Near Real Time Total Column products (Total Column Ozone, the Total Column NO2, and the Tropospheric NO2) will be unavailable. |
Status: | scheduled |
Issue Time: | 2021-08-18 11:16:18.0 |
Services: |
GOME-2 Level 1 - Metop-A GOME-2 AHRPT Metop-A AC SAF - Products |
Type: | Planned Maintenance |
Ann Nr: | 7264 |
Rev: | 1 |
Start Time: | 2021-08-27 19:15:00.0 |
End Time: | 2021-08-27 20:14:00.0 |
Satellites: | Metop-C |
Subsystem: | GOME-2 |
Subject: | instrument-calibration |
Impact: | data-unavailable |
Detail: | GOME2 monthly measurements of GOME-2 polarisation (PMD) data in raw readout mode (PMDRAW). The AC SAF Near Real Time Total Column products (Total Column Ozone, the Total Column NO2, and the Tropospheric NO2) will be unavailable. |
Status: | scheduled |
Issue Time: | 2021-08-18 11:35:09.0 |
Services: |
GOME-2 Level 1 - Metop-C GOME-2 AHRPT Metop-C AC SAF - Products |
Type: | Planned Maintenance |
Ann Nr: | 7261 |
Rev: | 1 |
Start Time: | 2021-08-27 19:44:00.0 |
End Time: | 2021-08-27 20:43:00.0 |
Satellites: | Metop-B |
Subsystem: | GOME-2 |
Subject: | instrument-calibration |
Impact: | data-unavailable |
Detail: | GOME2 monthly measurements of GOME-2 polarisation (PMD) data in raw readout mode (PMDRAW). The AC SAF Near Real Time Total Column products (Total Column Ozone, the Total Column NO2, and the Tropospheric NO2) will be unavailable. |
Status: | scheduled |
Issue Time: | 2021-08-18 11:24:02.0 |
Services: |
GOME-2 Level 1 - Metop-B GOME-2 AHRPT Metop-B AC SAF - Products |
Type: | Planned Maintenance |
Ann Nr: | 7256 |
Rev: | 1 |
Start Time: | 2021-08-27 22:30:00.0 |
End Time: | 2021-10-15 01:00:00.0 |
Satellites: | MET-10 |
Subject: | eclipse-season |
Impact: | risk-of-degradation |
Detail: | There is a risk of degraded image quality every night from 22:30 to 01:00 next day in the given time period. |
Status: | scheduled |
Issue Time: | 2021-08-18 10:50:54.0 |
Services: |
RSS SEVIRI Level 1.5 Image Data RSS Meteosat Meteorological Products |
Type: | Planned Maintenance |
Ann Nr: | 7257 |
Rev: | 1 |
Start Time: | 2021-08-29 23:00:00.0 |
End Time: | 2021-10-14 01:30:00.0 |
Satellites: | MET-11 |
Subject: | eclipse-season |
Impact: | data-degraded |
Detail: | There is a risk of degraded image quality every night from 23:00 to 01:30 next day in the given time period. |
Status: | scheduled |
Issue Time: | 2021-08-18 10:50:15.0 |
Services: |
0° SEVIRI Level 1.5 Image Data 0° Meteosat Meteorological Products |
Type: | Planned Maintenance |
Ann Nr: | 7243 |
Rev: | 1 |
Start Time: | 2021-09-06 00:00:00.0 |
End Time: | 2021-09-07 00:00:00.0 |
Satellites: | Metop-A |
Subsystem: | IASI |
Subject: | instrument-maintenance |
Impact: | data-unavailable |
Detail: | Technology Test. Testing of IASI redundant components. A period of 6 hours outage are expected during the day. |
Status: | scheduled |
Issue Time: | 2021-08-13 19:28:09.0 |
Services: |
IASI Level 1 - Metop-A IASI Sounding Products - Metop-A EARS-IASI IASI AHRPT Metop-A OSI SAF - Products |
Type: | Planned Maintenance |
Ann Nr: | 7245 |
Rev: | 1 |
Start Time: | 2021-09-06 00:00:00.0 |
End Time: | 2021-09-14 00:00:00.0 |
Satellites: | Metop-A |
Subsystem: | AMSU-A |
Subject: | instrument-maintenance |
Impact: | data-unavailable |
Detail: | Technology Test. Special test of AMSU redundancy. Short interruptions can be expected. |
Status: | scheduled |
Issue Time: | 2021-08-13 19:27:45.0 |
Services: |
AMSU-A Level 1 - Metop-A AMSU-A AHRPT Metop-A |
Type: | Service Enhancement |
Ann Nr: | 7274 |
Rev: | 1 |
Start Time: | 2021-09-06 09:00:00.0 |
End Time: | 2021-10-14 09:00:00.0 |
Satellites: | Metop-A |
Subject: | general-announcement |
Impact: | risk-of-interruption |
Detail: | Metop-A Technology Test Campaign III execution: possible data disruptions or outages. More information will be given in specific instruments announcements. |
Status: | scheduled |
Issue Time: | 2021-08-19 11:07:57.0 |
Services: |
Type: | Planned Maintenance |
Ann Nr: | 7244 |
Rev: | 1 |
Start Time: | 2021-09-07 00:00:00.0 |
End Time: | 2021-09-15 00:00:00.0 |
Satellites: | Metop-A |
Subsystem: | IASI |
Subject: | instrument-maintenance |
Impact: | data-unavailable |
Detail: | Technology Test. IASI will be set to the redundant side to do anomaly investigation. 5 days of outage are expected during this test. |
Status: | scheduled |
Issue Time: | 2021-08-13 19:27:59.0 |
Services: |
IASI Sounding Products - Metop-A IASI Level 1 - Metop-A EARS-IASI IASI AHRPT Metop-A OSI SAF - Products |
Type: | Service Enhancement |
Ann Nr: | 7248 |
Rev: | 1 |
Start Time: | 2021-09-14 09:00:00.0 |
End Time: | 2021-09-14 09:00:00.0 |
Subject: | product-change |
Detail: | Update of GRAS data processing to version 5. For full details and test data, see the URL provided below. |
Url: | |
Status: | scheduled |
Issue Time: | 2021-08-11 14:24:46.0 |
Services: |
GRAS Level 1 - Metop-A GRAS Level 1 - Metop-B GRAS Level 1 - Metop-C |
Type: | Planned Maintenance |
Ann Nr: | 7271 |
Rev: | 1 |
Start Time: | 2021-09-15 00:00:00.0 |
End Time: | 2021-09-18 00:00:00.0 |
Satellites: | Metop-A |
Subsystem: | MHS |
Subject: | instrument-maintenance |
Impact: | data-unavailable |
Detail: | Technology Test: Special test of MHS redundancy. Short interruptions can be expected |
Status: | scheduled |
Issue Time: | 2021-08-19 10:49:06.0 |
Services: |
MHS Level 1 - Metop-A ATOVS Sounding products - Metop-A EARS-ATOVS |
Type: | Planned Maintenance |
Ann Nr: | 7272 |
Rev: | 1 |
Start Time: | 2021-09-16 00:00:00.0 |
End Time: | 2021-10-15 00:00:00.0 |
Satellites: | Metop-A |
Subsystem: | IASI |
Subject: | instrument-maintenance |
Impact: | data-unavailable |
Detail: | Technology test. IASI will scan with oversampling. The data quality is expected nominal for the entire duration of the test. However, the scan pattern will be changed (i.e. 30 scan positions will overlap) as the swath will be reduced from 2200 km to ~200 km. 4 hours of outage are foreseen on the first day of the test. This test can have an impact for users that use processing of IASI data. |
Status: | scheduled |
Issue Time: | 2021-08-18 15:25:14.0 |
Services: |
IASI Level 1 - Metop-A IASI Sounding Products - Metop-A EARS-IASI IASI AHRPT Metop-A OSI SAF - Products |
Type: | Service Enhancement |
Ann Nr: | 7033 |
Rev: | 1 |
Start Time: | 2021-11-01 09:00:00.0 |
End Time: | 2021-11-01 09:00:00.0 |
Subject: | product-change |
Detail: | Principal Component (PC) compressed IASI L1C data will be updated in November 2021 (exact date to be announced in due course). For full details, see the URL provided below. |
Url: | |
Status: | scheduled |
Issue Time: | 2021-06-02 13:18:50.0 |
Services: |
IASI Level 1 - Metop-A IASI Level 1 - Metop-B IASI Level 1 - Metop-C |
Type: | Service Enhancement |
Ann Nr: | 6944 |
Rev: | 1 |
Start Time: | 2021-11-09 09:00:00.0 |
End Time: | 2021-11-09 09:00:00.0 |
Subject: | general-announcement |
Detail: | Change to DCP messages disseminated on EUMETCast. They will no longer be wrapped into LRIT files and, instead, will be disseminated as individual files. This will also involve a filename change and a change of EUMETCast channels. For full details, see the URL provided below. |
Url: | |
Status: | scheduled |
Issue Time: | 2021-04-29 13:24:50.0 |
Services: |
Meteosat 0° DCP Meteosat IODC DCP |
Type: | Service Enhancement |
Ann Nr: | 6863 |
Rev: | 1 |
Start Time: | 2021-11-16 09:00:00.0 |
End Time: | 2021-11-16 09:00:00.0 |
Satellites: | Metop-A |
Subject: | general-announcement |
Detail: | Metop-A is planned to be de-orbited in November 2021. For more details, see the URL provided below. |
Url: | |
Status: | scheduled |
Issue Time: | 2021-04-01 13:02:07.0 |
Services: |
Name: | EUMETSAT |
Address: |
Eumetsat-Allee 1 D-64295 Darmstadt Germany |
Telephone: | +49 6151 807 3660/3770 |
Fax: | +49 6151 807 3790 |
E-mail: | |
Internet: | |