Topic: Himawari outage

Date/Time Issued: September 21, 2021 1951Z

Product(s) or Data Impacted:
 Himawari L1 imagery and dependent products (H8 Cloud Moisture Imagery, H8 Clouds, H8 Winds, H8 ACSPO SST, H8 Rain Rate, GHE, Global Mosaic, Arctic Composite)

Date/Time of Initial Impact: 
September 21, 2021 1600Z

Date/Time of Expected End: 
September 21, 2021 1930Z

Length of Outage:
 3.5 hours

Details/Specifics of Change:
 Beginning just after 1600Z, a connection problem prevented NESDIS from pulling data from JMA. The cause is under investigation.


Connection was restored at about 1930Z. Imagery for 1830Z was ingested and processed at 1936Z; some, but not all, data for 1600-1800 will be restored from backlog,


Contact Information for Further Information:  ESPC Operations at at 301-817-3880

Web Site(s) for applicable information:  N/A

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