Update #3: Center Point change to 40N taking place on September 27th at 1738Z. Otherwise, all else – Longitude and Length of Event stay the same.
Update #2: SDM requested a GOES-17 MDS Meso-1 extension ending September 28, 2021 J/Day271 @ 1600Z for Continuing NorCal Wildfire Meso-request.
Update #1: SDM requested a GOES-17 MDS Meso-1 extension ending September 26, 2021 J/Day269 @ 1600Z for Continuing request for North Cal Fires.
Topic: GOES-17 MDS Meso-1 Request
Date/Time Issued: September 27, 2021 1745Z
Product(s) or Data Impacted: GOES-17 MDS Meso-1
Requested Center Point: 39N/119W (Change
to 40N)
Date/Time Initial Impact: September 22, 2021 1600Z J/Day 265
Date/Time of Expected End: September 24, 2021 1600Z J/Day 267 (September
28, 2021 J/Day271)
Length of Event: 48 Hours (144 Hours)
Requester: WFO San Francisco/Monterey
Priority: 6 SPC Extreme Fire/IMET Deployment
Details/Specifics of Change: IMET deployment in the region (Continuing
NorCal Wildfire Meso-request)
Contact Information for Further Information: ESPC Operations at ESPCOperations@noaa.gov and
Web Site(s) for Applicable Information: N/A
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