Update #1: The GOES-16 product anomaly was resolved. Nominal
production and distribution of all products to PDA returned at 1830Z.
The following products were degraded or lost during the anomaly: EXIS
SFEU/SFXR from 1720Z-1735Z and 1746Z - 1815Z, SUVI Fe195 from
1720Z-1731Z, SOF from 1750Z-1821Z, Multiband CMI Mesoscales from
1720Z-1734Z and 1746Z-1754Z, Legacy Vertical Moisture Mesoscales from
1720Z-1735Z and 1746Z-1820Z, Legacy Vertical Moisture CONUS from
1721Z-1736Z and 1746Z-1821Z, Legacy Vertical Moisture Full Disk from
1720Z - 1830Z. (Updated date, time and length of event)
Topic: Product Outage/Anomaly: Outage of several GOES-16 products, derived products and their distribution to PDA.
Date/Time Issued: September 30, 2021 / 1936Z
Product(s) or Data Impacted: Outage of several GOES-16 products, derived products and their distribution to PDA.
Date/Time of Initial Impact: September 30, 2021 / 1720Z (UPDATED)
Date/Time of Expected End: September 30, 2021 / 1830Z (UPDATED)
Length of Event: 1 Hour 10 minutes (UPDATED)
Details/Specifics of Change: Outage of several GOES-16 products, derived products, and their distribution to PDA due to an anomaly. KPPs were and are not impacted by this anomaly.