Administrative: Update 3: Implementation of GOES-16 and GOES-17 ABI Enterprise Cloud Mask Level 2+ Algorithm on or about November 29, 2021, Issued: November 23, 2021 1514 UTC

Update #3: The users should notice an improvement to cloud detection of the product consistent with the results of the CSR/ASR processing and BUFR  products as listed  in the 2nd table at the bottom of this notification.

Update #2:  This update provides more specific user information (Additional User Information below) for the upcoming operational implementation of ECM, on or about November 29, 2021 at TBD UTC

Update #1:  The estimated date of implementation is now on or about November 29, 2021 at TBD UTC

Topic: Implementation of GOES-16 and GOES-17 ABI Enterprise Cloud Mask Level 2+ Algorithm

Date/Time Issued: November 23, 2021 1514 UTC

Product(s) or Data Impacted: GOES-16 and GOES-17 Cloud Mask Products

Date/Time of Initial Impact:  On or about November 29, 2021 TBD UTC

Details/Specifics of Change: 

The GOES-16 and GOES-17 ABI Enterprise Cloud Mask algorithm will replace the baseline cloud mask algorithm on or about November 29, 2021 at TBD UTC. Users of the current cloud mask product will not see any interruptions to data delivery but the resultant product files will change to reflect the output of the enterprise algorithm. The Binary Cloud Mask (BCM) parameter in the current Cloud Mask will remain, however additional parameters in the netCDF4 product include:

ACM = 4 Level Cloud Mask

Cloud_robabilities = Cloud Probability


The Enterprise Cloud Mask (ECM) algorithm was developed by the Algorithm Working Group (AWG) with the capability to process multi-spectral data from multiple sources. This means that the science code can ingest data from various platforms (GOES-R ABI, VIIRS, etc.) and produce sensor-specific products using a similar “Enterprise” approach. The ECM algorithm uses a naive Bayesian approach for cloud detection; an approach that brings it into line with products generated by other NOAA instruments. 


Short Names of Impacted Products: 




Example file names:


Cadence: 10 min Full Disk, 5 minute CONUS, 1 minute mesoscale

Resolution: 2 km 

Additional User Information (November 18, 2021):

Data Quality Flag (DQF) Changes:

DQF Flag value

Baseline Algorithm Meaning

(current product)

Enterprise Algorithm Meaning

(new product)


Valid, good quality cloud mask

Valid, good quality cloud mask


Invalid pixel due to space view 

Bad quality


Invalid or reduced quality pixel due to being outside of sensor zenith range 70 degrees

Invalid pixel due to space view 


Invalid earth pixel due to bad data (bad or missing 11 µm BT or bad/missing clear sky 11 µm BT)

Not Used


Reduced quality Cloud mask (bad 3.9µm pixel) 

Not Used


Reduced quality 0.64 µm tests 

Not Used


Reduced quality due to other bad channels (excluding 0.64, 3.9 or 11 µm)

Degraded due to out of range focal plane temperature (FPT) or missing channel

Additional Parameters:

  • 4-Level Mask - Enterprise Cloud Mask (ECM) combines spectral and spatial tests to produce a four-level classification of cloudiness at each pixel location. The 4 levels are:

0 = Clear

1 = Probably Clear

2 = Probably Cloudy

3 = Cloudy

  • Cloud Probability - Likelihood of a cloud at a given pixel location (range: 0.0 - 1.0)


GOES-16/17 All Sky Radiances and Clear Sky Radiances derived from GOES-16/17 using Channels 7 - 16

Product Short Name

Product File Name (NetCDF)

Product File Name (BUFR)






Please note: This upgrade will not be performed during Critical Weather Day (CWD).

Contact Information: For information on the status of this work, please contact and  ESPC Operations at or 301-817-3880

Web Site(s) for applicable information: N/A

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