Topic: Jason-3 Product Delay
Due to COOP Excercise
Date/Time Issued: May 23, 2022 1549Z
Product or Data Impacted: Jason-3
Operational Geophysical Data
Records (OGDRs)
Date/Time of Initial Impact: May 24, 2022 1500Z
Date/Time of Expected End: May 24, 2022 2000Z
Length of the Outage: 5 Hour
Details/Specifics of Change: A Continuity of Operations (COOP) / Backup Exercise will be
performed tomorrow May 24. During the exercise a significant
database maintenance activity will take place that will require a
period of about 4-6 hours of complete OPS PDA downtime from 1500Z
to ~2000Z, during which Jason-3 OGDRs will be unavailable. Once
PDA is back up, all back-logged OGDRs will be distributed to
5/24/2022 @ 1500Z – Begin COOP failover activity to CBU backup site.
5/24/2022 @ 2000Z to ~2200Z – The PDA OPS environment will be up and
Web Site(s) for applicable information: N/A
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