Topic: GOES-17 Intermittent - Fractional Snow Cover ABI L2 Meso-2 delivered to PDA
Date/Time Issued: August 16, 2022 1010Z
Product or Data Impacted: GOES-17 Fractional Snow Cover ABI L2 Meso-2
Date/Time of Initial Impact: August 16, 2022 0601Z
Date/Time of Expected End: TBD
Length of the Outage/Event: TBD
Details/Specifics of Change: GOES-17 Fractional Snow Cover ABI L2 Meso-2 is intermittently degraded as of the start of the GOES-17 ABI Cooling Timeline at 0600Z. Product Engineers are investigating the cause of the problem.
Contact Information for Further Information: ESPC Operations at at 301-817-3880 


Web Site(s) for applicable information: N/A