Topic:  Meteosat-11 SEVIRI Decontamination Procedure

Date/Time Issued:  January 7, 2022   1910 UTC

Product(s) or Data Impacted:  Meteosat-11 (Met-11) Data and Products at NOAA/NESDIS

Date/Time of Initial Impact:  January 17, 2022   0900 UTC

Date/Time of Expected End:  January 31, 2022   0900 UTC

Length of Event:  Two weeks


Details/Specifics of Change:  From January 17- 24, 2022, EUMETSAT plans to perform a decontamination of the Meteosat-11 (Prime satellite; 0° longitude) SEVIRI instrument.  Meteosat-11 (Met-11) data will be interrupted during this time period and Meteosat-9 back-up data, rectified to 0 degrees, will be disseminated to support the 0° mission.  Below is the Met-11 SEVIRI decontamination procedure schedule from EUMETSAT:

  • January 10, 0900 UTC to January 17, 2022, 0900 UTC:  Met-11 prime spacecraft, with both Met-9 and Met-11 image data and Meteorological products disseminated in parallel.  Met-9 data, rectified to 0°, will be distributed with "PAR" in the filenames.
  • January 17, 0900 UTC to January 24, 2022, 0900 UTC:  Met-9 prime spacecraft, with image data and Meteorological products (rectified to 0°) disseminated.  "PAR" removed from Met-9 filenames.  Met-11 SEVIRI decontamination begins with no data dissemination.  Met-10 available in case of Met-9 anomalies.
  • January 24, 0900 UTC to January 31, 2022, 0900 UTC:  Met-9 prime spacecraft (continues), with both Met-9 and Met-11 image data and Meteorological products disseminated in parallel.  Met-9 data rectified to 0°.  Met-11 data will be distributed with "PAR" in the filenames.  
  • January 31, 2022, 0900 UTC:  Met-11 back to prime 0° satellite.  "PAR" removed from Met-11 filenames.  Met-9 data dissemination stops.

NOAA/NESDIS plans to distribute only Met-9 data from the GEODIST system starting 0900 UTC, January 17, 2022, to 0900 UTC, January 31, 2022; Met-11 data from GEODIST will resume 0900 UTC, January 31, 2022.  PDA distribution of Met-11 and Met-9 data will follow EUMETSAT's schedule above.  Importantly, to ensure accurate Meteosat data receipt during the overall procedure, prior to January 10, 2022, PDA users should have NESDIS PDA subscriptions to both Met-9 and Met-11, with and without "PAR" in the filenames.  The temporary switch to Met-9 data distribution at NOAA/NESDIS should not impact McIDAS users unless your data processing precisely keys on "Meteosat-11" or SSID "354."

Please contact NOAA/NESDIS if you have any questions in preparation for Met-9 or Met-11 data access from NOAA/NESDIS during the planned procedure.

Contact Information for Further Information:  ESPC Operations at at 301-817-3880

Web Site(s) for applicable information:

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