Update #1: The issue affecting the PDA/NDE environment has been resolved. A storage component, one of several in a pool, was determined to be faulty. The attached resources were allocated to other members of the storage pool, and the faulty component removed from the pool. Data flows through PDA are back to normal January 15, 2022 @ 0200Z with GOES-R data flows normal at January 15, @ 0242Z as their NAS mount process takes a little more time. The PDA Support team is continuing to monitor the environment.

Topic: The NSOF OPS environment is experiencing processing issues affecting product distribution.

Topic: The NSOF OPS environment is experiencing processing issues affecting product distribution.


Date/Time Issued:  January 15, 2022 0330Z


Product(s) or Data Impacted: GOES-R and some legacy data are affected at the NSOF OPS site.


Date/Time of Initial Impact:  January 14, 2022 1812Z


Date/Time of Expected End:  TBD


Length of Event:  TBD


Details/Specifics of Change:  The NSOF OPS environment is experiencing and outage affecting product distribution of GOES-R today beginning @ 1812Z. The PDA support team is troubleshooting the issue and will provide an update when more information is available. PDA is not distributing GOES-R data at this time. Legacy distribution jobs are also experiencing problems sending files to PDA intermittently.


The PDA Support team is troubleshooting the issue and will provide updates as new information is available.  


Contact Information for Further  Information: ESPC Operations at ESPCOperations@noaa.gov and 301-817-3880.    


Web Site(s) for applicable information: N/A

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